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 Summit of the Americas 2001

Notes for an address by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
 on the occasion of the departure of Her Majesty's Canadian Ships Preserver, Iroquois and Charlottetown for
Operation Apollo

October 17, 2001
Halifax, Nova Scotia

It is fitting for us to be in Halifax today. For this city and its people were placed on the front lines of this struggle from the very beginning.

On the morning of September 11th , as the world watched with horror what took place in New York City and Washington, the people of Nova Scotia were among the first to lend a hand. This city, along with Gander and St. John’s, Newfoundland, and a host of other communities across Canada., opened its arms to thousands of stranded passengers. Giving them comfort, shelter, food and a safe place to wait things out.

Many grateful words have been said since then. Many thankful gestures made. And today, I wish to add my own. On behalf of all Canadians I thank you Nova Scotia. You have done your country and your fellow citizens proud.

And you are doing it again today, as we bid a fond farewell to the men and women who will serve aboard Her Majesty’s Canadian Ships Preserver, Iroquois and Charlottetown for Operation Apollo.

Ever since September 11th we have known that this day might come. That the men and women of our Canadian Forces may have to set out to foreign seas, join our allies and defend the values and principles of free and civilized people everywhere.

There must be no doubt of our spirit, and no trace of uncertainty in our hearts. We were all targets of the attacks carried out against the United States. And if the goal of our adversaries was the clear on the morning of September 11th, it is even more clear today.

In the name of a perverse ideology, they want to attack the foundations of our societies. By eroding our economies, disrupting our institutions. And by provoking hatred and confrontation between communities, between faiths and between citizens.

Such an assault on our society demands a response. A firm response. A just response. One that expresses our clear and categorical refusal to give in to blackmail and fear.

A response that you, the members of the Canadian Armed Forces, will deliver. By taking our place along side our allies. Pursuing the merchants of terror into the depths of the shadows. And holding them to account for their barbaric acts.

Many words have been written and spoken about this conflict. To define its meaning. Our purpose. And our resolve. But at the most basic level it is a struggle for freedom and justice. And as always at such times in our history, it all comes down to you. Your training. Your courage. Your valour.

Once again, we are asking you to stand up for justice. To do what is right. To give the fullest meaning to our values and our resolve.

To you, the men and women of our armed forces, and your loved ones who are staying behind. I am here to say, on behalf of all Canadians, that you are all heroes.

That your nation is proud of you. And that Canadians are praying for you.

Canada has never been a nation to sit on the sidelines. We did not pick this fight. But we will finish it. Because on the side of a just cause.. there can be only one outcome.


As you take your leave. On behalf of a grateful nation, I say to you: BRAVO ZULU on your departure.

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