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 Summit of the Americas 2001

The Closing Address to the 1998 Biennial Convention of the Liberal Party of Canada

March 22, 1998
Ottawa, Ontario

I would first like to thank Georgette Sheridan and Jacques Saada. They have been great Co-Chairs for this fabulous convention.

I would like to congratulate the new Executive and to congratulate Stephen LeDrew on his election as President of the Party. And I would like to say to Bonnie Hickey that you have been one hell of a campaigner and we're very proud of you.

I also want to thank you, my fellow Liberals, for the terrific vote of confidence you have given me this morning. I can't tell you how much it means to me, to once again be so warmly embraced by the Liberal family -- my family. And from the bottom of my heart I say thank you very much!

I also should tell you that I am also pretty relieved. A lot of you were at the performance of the True Grit band last night. And as you could see, I am not quite ready to start on a new career!

The result of the vote also proves something I have said many times, but in another context: If you ask voters a clear question, an honest question, you will get a clear response.

This weekend has been a rich and positive experience for all of us. Once again, we have demonstrated that the Liberal Party is the party of openness, of change, of dynamism, and of tolerance and understanding; the party with a positive message that is open to all; the party that brings Canadians together, not the party that divides them; the party of the future.

This convention is the proof of that. Look around the room. The faces you see are the face of Canada. The ideas you are debating are the exciting ideas of tomorrow. The spirit of optimism is the spirit all Canadians feel as we enter a new Golden Age. No one could ever mistake this for a Reform convention, or a Bloc Québécois convention. No mistake about it, this is the Liberal Party!

I must tell you how impressed I am with the spirit of this convention. As you know I have attended a few conventions in my day. And to think that less than a year after an election, more than 2,500 delegates turned out in such force and with such enthusiasm says something about how strong our party is.

And I want to add one more thing. I have recognized many veterans like myself at this convention. And this is important because we can bring a little wisdom and experience to the debates. But I must tell you that never -- in forty years of taking part in these conventions -- have I ever seen so many young faces at a Liberal convention! So, it is not surprising that the Liberal Party is the party of Canada's youth and the party of Canada's future.

What is most important is that as Liberals, once again, we have come together from across the country -- as the only truly national party in Canada -- showing that we can discuss and debate important issues in an intelligent, honest way; respecting other points of view; seeking solutions. In fact, about the only sour note at this convention came out of my trombone last night!

And we showed that we are proud of what we have done. Proud that we have balanced the budget and brought Canada back in the black; proud that we have got the economy going again and making it stronger -- creating the start of a new Golden Age for Canada.

But we have also shown that we are not resting on our laurels; that we must not be complacent -- that we will not be complacent. We know that there is work to do, and we are ready to do it. We know that the only way we can keep the support of Canadians is to keep earning it every single day.

As we complete the first year of this second mandate, we look to the tasks that lie ahead: making Canada a model in the world for sustainable development, showing that progress on the environment and economic progress can go hand in hand; working in partnership with the provinces to give new energy and new support to the Health Care system all Canadians cherish; continuing to build our country in the Liberal way: with an approach that balances economic prosperity and social progress, going neither left nor right, but in one direction -- ahead, towards the future.

This convention has confirmed the course we have charted for the Canadian people in less than one year. And it has given us the energy and enthusiasm to help us stay the course during our mandate.

Canadians continue to have confidence in us and we will not disappoint them. We know that nothing can ever be taken for granted and that we must work hard -- very hard -- to keep the confidence of the people. I can tell you that we will do that, day after day, every day of our mandate.

And, my fellow Liberals, by the end of this mandate, we will be able to look back on four years of accomplishment. We will have helped those least able to help themselves. We will have significantly reduced taxes. We will have reduced the burden of our national debt. We will have given young Canadians the hand up they need to build their lives. We will have made major investments in our national health care system. We will have helped re-connect Canadians with their government and with each other. And we will be ready to ask Canadians for the privilege of a third majority government.

As we leave this great convention, that is our task. One part of the Liberal Team, the part I have the honour to lead -- my Caucus, my excellent Caucus, my extremely devoted Caucus -- will carry that responsibility to Parliament.

And you, the men and women who make up the Liberal Team across Canada, must carry on that responsibility in every city, town and village, in every community in Canada; standing up for the values we believe in: caring, tolerance, understanding, social justice; standing up to meanness, greed and extremism, against those who would divide Canadians.

And together, ladies and gentlemen, with Canadian values and Liberal values, we will move with great optimism into the 21st century as the best country in the world.

Merci beaucoup! Thank you very much!

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