Information Unit for
High School Teachers

V.1 Making Law in Canada- Evaluation Rubric

Department (Cabinet Document)


Content of Cabinet Document


Satisfactory (2)


Very Good (4)


Issue text

Policy issue vaguely or unclearly expressed.

Many grammar and spelling errors.

Policy issue clearly stated.

Some grammar and spelling errors.

Clearly sets out the policy issue; explains how the issue is related to the general goals of the government.

Very few grammar and spelling errors.


Clearly sets out the policy issue; explains how the issue is related to the general goals of the government, as well as its political importance.

No apparent grammar and spelling errors.



Background text

Background vaguely expressed or unclearly expressed.

Many grammar and spelling errors; few or no examples or supporting facts.

Policy issue and background clearly stated.

Some grammar and spelling errors; some examples or supporting facts.

Clearly sets out the policy issue; explains how the issue is related to the general goals of the government.

Very few grammar and spelling errors; use of some good examples or supporting facts.

Clearly sets out the policy issue; explains how the issue is related to the general goals of the government, as well as its political importance.

No apparent grammar and spelling errors; use of many good examples or supporting facts.



Inconsistent with case made in background.

Many grammar and spelling errors.

Consistent with case made in background.

Some grammar and spelling errors.

Consistent with case made in the background and explains how the issue is related to the general goals of the government.

Very few grammar and spelling errors.

Consistent with case made in the background and explains how the issue is related to the general goals of the government, as well as its political importance.

No apparent grammar and spelling errors.

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Prime Minister of Canada's Web Site

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