Expenditures on vocational training by source of funds, by provinces and territories
1999–2000 |
Canada |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
Prince Edward Island |
Nova Scotia |
New Brunswick |
$ millions |
Total, all sources |
8,366.4 |
241.2 |
42.8 |
175.4 |
312.0 |
Federal government |
2,035.6 |
99.5 |
23.1 |
71.3 |
79.3 |
Provincial governments |
3,325.5 |
81.1 |
4.4 |
27.4 |
170.3 |
Municipal government |
1.5 |
0.1 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Governmental sources |
5,362.6 |
180.6 |
27.5 |
98.8 |
249.5 |
Student fees1 |
2,254.2 |
48.7 |
8.6 |
66.5 |
54.8 |
Other sources2 |
749.6 |
11.9 |
6.7 |
10.1 |
7.7 |
1. Includes all mandatory student fees for credit and non-credit courses paid by, or on behalf of, all full-time and part-time students. |
2. Bequests, Donations and non-Government grants, Investment income, Auxiliary Enterprises (Gross), Borrowings, Miscellaneous Interfund Transfer. |
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 478-0005. |
Last Modified: 2005-01-10. |
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