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School attendance and educational attainment
- Population 15 years and over by
school attendance, by provinces and territories (1991-2001 Censuses)
- Population 15 years and over by
highest degree, certificate or diploma (1986-2001 Censuses)
- Population 15 years and over by
highest degree, certificate or diploma, by provinces and territories
(2001 Census)
- Population 15 years and over
by highest degree, certificate or diploma, by provinces and territories
(1996 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by
highest level of schooling (1981-2001 Censuses)
- Population 15 years and over by
highest level of schooling, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population 15 years and over
by highest level of schooling, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by
total, average and median years of schooling, by provinces and territories
(1996 Census)