Average total income by economic family types
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
$ constant 2002 |
Economic families1, two people
or more |
68,300 |
69,100 |
71,600 |
73,400 |
73,200 |
Elderly families2 |
47,000 |
48,600 |
48,800 |
49,100 |
49,800 |
Married couples only |
45,700 |
47,700 |
47,200 |
48,100 |
48,400 |
All other elderly families |
51,400 |
51,500 |
54,100 |
53,100 |
55,200 |
Non-elderly families3 |
71,700 |
72,500 |
75,300 |
77,300 |
77,000 |
Married couples only |
70,100 |
68,500 |
69,700 |
74,200 |
73,200 |
No earner |
31,100 |
32,300 |
32,800 |
36,700 |
34,900 |
One earner |
55,200 |
56,200 |
55,100 |
59,400 |
55,900 |
Two earners |
80,300 |
77,600 |
78,300 |
82,400 |
81,800 |
Two parent families with children4 |
77,000 |
78,200 |
81,000 |
82,800 |
83,000 |
No earner |
22,300 |
21,800 |
21,700 |
23,900 |
25,000 |
One earner |
59,600 |
58,200 |
57,700 |
59,600 |
61,500 |
Two earners |
78,600 |
79,200 |
82,300 |
83,100 |
82,800 |
Three or more earners |
93,900 |
97,600 |
101,100 |
103,100 |
101,400 |
Married couples with other relatives |
94,900 |
97,800 |
102,900 |
102,100 |
100,400 |
Lone-parent families4 |
33,500 |
33,800 |
37,100 |
38,100 |
36,900 |
Male lone-parent families |
49,500 |
48,300 |
52,400 |
49,500 |
49,900 |
Female lone-parent families |
30,600 |
31,100 |
33,900 |
35,600 |
33,800 |
No earner |
15,700 |
16,500 |
15,700 |
16,700 |
15,900 |
One earner |
32,100 |
32,300 |
34,000 |
34,900 |
33,500 |
Two or more earners |
49,700 |
48,200 |
53,800 |
55,100 |
49,400 |
All other non-elderly families |
61,700 |
62,400 |
65,400 |
66,100 |
67,900 |
Unattached individuals |
27,900 |
28,900 |
29,500 |
30,400 |
30,900 |
Elderly male |
28,800 |
28,100 |
27,100 |
29,300 |
28,200 |
Non-earner |
25,000 |
25,500 |
24,300 |
26,100 |
25,100 |
Earner |
51,000 |
43,200 |
40,500 |
44,000 |
39,600 |
Elderly female |
22,300 |
22,400 |
23,000 |
23,800 |
24,300 |
Non-earner |
21,400 |
21,600 |
22,100 |
22,600 |
23,700 |
Earner |
33,300 |
33,500 |
35,300 |
37,600 |
31,500 |
Non-elderly male |
31,700 |
32,400 |
34,200 |
34,800 |
34,800 |
Non-earner |
10,200 |
9,900 |
9,900 |
11,600 |
10,900 |
Earner |
36,000 |
36,400 |
37,900 |
38,200 |
38,600 |
Non-elderly female |
25,900 |
28,700 |
27,800 |
28,800 |
30,500 |
Non-earner |
10,700 |
10,600 |
10,500 |
12,000 |
12,400 |
Earner |
30,600 |
34,000 |
32,500 |
33,000 |
34,400 |
Note: Average
total income refers to income from all sources including government transfers
and before deduction of federal and provincial income taxes. It may also
called income before tax (but after transfers). |
1. An economic family is a group
of individuals sharing a common dwelling unit who are related by blood,
marriage (including common-law relationships) or adoption. |
2. Families in which the major
income earner is 65 years of age and over. |
3. Families in which the major
income earner is less than 65 years of age. |
4. With children less than 18 years
of age. |
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM,
table 202-0403
and Catalogue no. 75-202-XIE. |
Last modified: 2005-01-21. |
Find information related to this table (CANSIM table(s); Definitions, data sources and methods; The Daily; publications; and related Canadian Statistics tables).