Families, households and housing
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Marital status, marriage and divorce
- Household size, by census metropolitan
areas (2001 Census)
- Household size, by census metropolitan
areas (1996 Census)
- Household size, by provinces and
territories (2001 Census)
- Household size, by provinces and
territories (1996 Census)
- Population in private households,
showing living arrangements, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population in private households,
showing living arrangements, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Population in private households,
showing living arrangements, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population in private households,
showing living arrangements, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Type of dwelling and population by
type of dwelling, (1961-2001 Censuses)
Household activities
- Average time spent on activities,
by sex
- Population 15 years and over by hours
spent doing unpaid housework, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by
hours spent on unpaid housework, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by hours
spent doing unpaid housework, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by
hours spent on unpaid housework, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by hours
spent looking after children, without pay, by census metropolitan areas
(2001 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by
hours spent on unpaid care of children, by census metropolitan areas (1996
- Population 15 years and over by hours
spent looking after children, without pay, by provinces and territories
(2001 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by
hours spent on unpaid care of children, by provinces and territories (1996
- Population 15 years and over by hours
spent providing unpaid care or assistance to seniors, by census metropolitan
areas (2001 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by
hours spent on unpaid care to seniors, by census metropolitan areas (1996
- Population 15 years and over by hours
spent providing unpaid care or assistance to seniors, by provinces and territories
(2001 Census)
- Population 15 years and over by
hours spent on unpaid care to seniors, by provinces and territories (1996
- Average income after tax by economic
family types
- Average market income by economic
family types
- Average total income by economic
family types
- Government transfers and income tax
- Incidence of low income among the
population living in private households, by census metropolitan areas (1996
and 2001 Censuses)
- Incidence of low income among the
population living in private households, by provinces (1996 and 2001 Censuses)
- Persons in low income after tax,
by number
- Persons in low income after tax,
by prevalence in percent
- Persons in low income before tax,
by number
- Persons in low income before tax,
by prevalence in percent
- Proportion of labour force and
paid workers covered by a registered pension plan (RPP), by sex
- Selected income statistics for individuals,
families, and households, by census metropolitan areas (1991 and 1996 Censuses)
- Selected income statistics for individuals,
families and households, by provinces and territories (1991 and 1996 Censuses)
Assets and debts
- Assets and debts held by family units,
excluding employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by provinces
- Assets and debts held by family units,
including employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by provinces
- Composition of assets and debts,
excluding employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by provinces
- Composition of assets and debts,
including employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by provinces
- Family units, excluding employer-sponsored
registered pension plans, by income group and by net worth quintile
- Family units, excluding employer-sponsored
registered pension plans, by net worth group and age
- Family units, including employer-sponsored
registered pension plans, by income group and by net worth quintile
- Family units, including employer-sponsored
registered pension plans, by net worth group and age
- Net worth of family units, excluding
employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by selected characteristics
- Net worth of family units, including
employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by selected characteristics
- Private pension assets of family
units, by selected characteristics
- Occupied private dwellings by period
of construction and condition of dwelling, by census metropolitan areas
(2001 Census)
- Occupied private dwellings by
period of construction and condition of dwelling, by census metropolitan
areas (1996 Census)
- Occupied private dwellings by period
of construction and condition of dwelling, by provinces and territories
(2001 Census)
- Occupied private dwellings by
period of construction and condition of dwelling, by provinces and territories
(1996 Census)
- Owner-occupied private dwellings
by value of dwelling, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Owner-occupied private dwellings
by value of dwelling, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Owner-occupied private dwellings
by value of dwelling, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Population in collective dwellings,
by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Population in collective dwellings,
by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population in collective dwellings,
by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Private households by structural
type of dwelling, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Private households by structural
type of dwelling, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Private households by structural
type of dwelling, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Private households by structural
type of dwelling, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Selected dwelling characteristics
and household equipment
Shelter costs
Food consumption