Average income after tax by economic family types
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
$ constant 2002 |
Economic families1, two people
or more |
54,600 |
55,800 |
57,600 |
60,300 |
60,500 |
Elderly families2 |
40,000 |
41,600 |
41,200 |
42,700 |
43,400 |
Married couples only |
38,700 |
40,500 |
39,900 |
41,500 |
42,000 |
All other elderly families |
44,700 |
45,200 |
45,700 |
47,300 |
48,400 |
Non-elderly families3 |
56,900 |
58,100 |
60,200 |
63,100 |
63,200 |
Married couples only |
54,500 |
53,900 |
54,800 |
59,300 |
59,000 |
No earner |
26,600 |
27,100 |
27,300 |
30,900 |
28,800 |
One earner |
43,600 |
44,500 |
43,700 |
48,100 |
45,800 |
Two earners |
61,800 |
60,800 |
61,400 |
65,500 |
65,700 |
Two parent families with children4 |
60,500 |
62,100 |
64,300 |
67,100 |
67,700 |
No earner |
21,700 |
21,400 |
20,900 |
23,500 |
24,200 |
One earner |
45,800 |
46,000 |
45,900 |
48,200 |
49,900 |
Two earners |
61,600 |
62,500 |
64,900 |
67,000 |
67,200 |
Three or more earners |
75,000 |
78,400 |
81,600 |
84,500 |
83,800 |
Married couples with other relatives |
75,400 |
78,600 |
82,200 |
83,700 |
82,700 |
Lone-parent families4 |
29,500 |
29,900 |
32,600 |
34,100 |
33,000 |
Male lone-parent families |
40,600 |
39,100 |
42,200 |
41,200 |
42,100 |
Female lone-parent families |
27,500 |
28,200 |
30,600 |
32,500 |
30,800 |
No earner |
15,500 |
16,100 |
15,600 |
16,600 |
15,800 |
One earner |
28,400 |
28,900 |
30,400 |
31,600 |
30,400 |
Two or more earners |
43,900 |
43,400 |
48,000 |
49,600 |
44,400 |
All other non-elderly families |
51,300 |
52,400 |
53,700 |
56,400 |
58,000 |
Unattached individuals |
22,800 |
23,600 |
24,100 |
25,300 |
25,900 |
Elderly male |
24,300 |
23,900 |
23,200 |
25,200 |
24,600 |
Non-earner |
21,800 |
22,300 |
21,400 |
23,000 |
22,500 |
Earner |
38,700 |
33,200 |
31,500 |
35,200 |
32,400 |
Elderly female |
19,800 |
19,900 |
20,300 |
21,400 |
21,900 |
Non-earner |
19,200 |
19,400 |
19,600 |
20,500 |
21,500 |
Earner |
27,400 |
26,900 |
28,600 |
31,700 |
26,800 |
Non-elderly male |
25,200 |
25,700 |
27,300 |
28,200 |
28,400 |
Non-earner |
9,600 |
9,300 |
9,200 |
10,800 |
10,100 |
Earner |
28,200 |
28,700 |
30,000 |
30,800 |
31,300 |
Non-elderly female |
21,200 |
23,000 |
22,600 |
23,900 |
25,200 |
Non-earner |
9,900 |
9,600 |
9,500 |
11,000 |
11,300 |
Earner |
24,700 |
27,000 |
26,200 |
27,200 |
28,300 |
Note: Average
income after tax is total income, which includes government transfers, less
income tax. |
1. An economic family is a group
of individuals sharing a common dwelling unit who are related by blood,
marriage (including common-law relationships) or adoption. |
2. Families in which the major
income earner is 65 years of age and over. |
3. Families in which the major
income earner is less than 65 years of age. |
4. With children less than 18 years
of age. |
Source: Statistics Canada,
CANSIM, table 202-0603
and Catalogue no. 75-202-XIE. |
Last modified: 2005-01-21. |
Find information related to this table (CANSIM table(s); Definitions, data sources and methods; The Daily; publications; and related Canadian Statistics tables).