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Canada: Economic and financial data

Updated daily

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Canada has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.

[Real Sector | Fiscal Sector | Financial Sector | External Sector | Population]

SDDS data category and component Period of latest data  Latest data Data for previous period  Change from previous period  Annual change
  - GDP at current prices
  - GDP at constant prices
  C$ millions of chained (1997), SAAR %
Gross domestic product (GDP) (National economic and financial accounts) Q3/04 1,131,302 1,122,353 0.8 3.3
Personal expenditure on consumer goods and services Q3/04 642,868 638,154 0.7 2.9
Net government current expenditure on goods and services Q3/04 212,927 210,856 1.0 3.0
Government gross fixed capital formation Q3/04 30,984 31,169 -0.6 0.6
  C$ millions of chained (1997), SAAR C$ millions
Government investment in inventories Q3/04 160 248 -35.5 566.7
  C$ millions of chained (1997), SAAR %
Business gross fixed capital formation Q3/04 206,938 204,691 1.1 5.0
  C$ millions of chained (1997), SAAR C$ millions
Business investment in inventories Q3/04 16,894 2,287 14,607 13,484
  C$ millions of chained (1997), SAAR %
Exports of goods and services Q3/04 465,736 468,064 -0.5 7.1
Deduct: Imports of goods and services Q3/04 446,270 432,853 3.1 11.3
  C$ millions of chained (1997), SAAR C$ millions
Statistical discrepancy Q3/04 125 -932 -113.4 -114.6
  implicit chain price index (1997=100), SA %
Gross domestic product (GDP) (National accounts) Q3/04 115.6 114.6 0.9 3.9
SA - Seasonally adjusted.
SAAR - Seasonally adjusted at annual rates.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, tables 380-0002 and 380-0003.
Last modified: 2004-11-30.

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