Experienced labour force 15 years and over by industry (1986-1996
and notes |
1986 |
1991 |
1996 |
number |
All industries |
12,740,225 |
14,220,235 |
14,317,545 |
Agricultural and related service industries |
512,695 |
521,335 |
485,605 |
Fishing and trapping industries |
46,495 |
48,165 |
45,695 |
Logging and forestry industries |
112,980 |
106,485 |
102,715 |
Mining (including milling),
quarrying and oil well industries |
193,340 |
192,025 |
168,320 |
Manufacturing industries |
2,196,740 |
2,084,110 |
2,039,845 |
Construction industries |
759,165 |
933,425 |
822,345 |
Transportation and storage industries |
565,725 |
581,810 |
598,925 |
Communication and other utility industries |
411,880 |
479,185 |
446,770 |
Wholesale trade industries |
584,840 |
614,345 |
711,820 |
Retail trade industries |
1,606,010 |
1,831,350 |
1,781,250 |
Finance and insurance industries |
464,820 |
576,860 |
522,070 |
Real estate operator and
insurance agent industries |
226,070 |
233,705 |
265,730 |
Business service industries |
588,665 |
802,405 |
937,635 |
Government service industries |
969,280 |
1,111,385 |
887,450 |
Educational service industries |
838,075 |
972,520 |
1,005,585 |
Health and social service industries |
1,041,445 |
1,277,340 |
1,409,170 |
Accommodation, food and beverage
service industries |
806,035 |
909,710 |
988,590 |
Other service industries |
815,950 |
944,065 |
1,098,030 |
Source: Statistics
Canada, 1996 Census Nation
tables. |
Last modified: 2004-09-01. |
For additional statistical information on the labour force, consult the 1996 Census Nation tables.
For more information on the concepts, methods and quality of the data contained in this table, consult the Statistical data documentation .