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   Canadian Statistics > Justice and crime > Police and courts

Cases in adult criminal court, by provinces and Yukon territory

Quebec Total all decisions Guilty Acquitted Stay Other
   number of cases
Total cases 73,234 51,925 9,418 8,226 3,665
Total Criminal code 62,319 43,218 8,819 6,992 3,290
  Crimes of violence 21,361 11,951 5,210 2,996 1,204
    Homicide 37 19 2 5 11
    Attempted murder 54 21 5 23 5
    Robbery 1,354 1,048 47 182 77
    Sexual assault 570 354 107 83 26
    Other sexual offences 503 334 95 50 24
    Major assaults 4,836 2,771 1,113 720 232
    Common assaults 5,663 3,149 1,604 703 207
    Uttering threats 6,684 3,362 1,855 937 530
    Criminal harassment 997 544 254 142 57
    Other crimes against persons 663 349 128 151 35
  Property crimes 13,773 10,780 720 1,433 840
    Theft 4,015 3,344 145 329 197
    Breaking and entering 3,124 2,472 141 318 193
    Fraud 3,171 2,379 97 432 263
    Mischief 1,484 1,143 162 113 66
    Possession of stolen goods 1,694 1,228 160 204 102
    Other property crimes 285 214 15 37 19
  Administration of justice 10,128 7,678 770 1,277 403
  Other Criminal code offences 5,391 4,013 331 582 465
  Criminal code offences (traffic offences) 11,666 8,796 1,788 704 378
    Impaired driving 10,406 7,752 1,708 614 332
    Other Criminal Code traffic offences 1,260 1,044 80 90 46
Other Federal Statute Total 10,915 8,707 599 1,234 375
  Drug possession 160 58 3 97 2
  Drug trafficking 106 59 1 44 2
  Youth Criminal Justice Act 0 0 0 0 0
  Residual federal statutes 10,649 8,590 595 1,093 371
Note: Adult Criminal Court Survey data are not reported by Manitoba, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 252-0015 and product no. 85-002-X.
Last modified: 2004-12-10.

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