Production of milk and cream, by provinces
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
kilolitres |
Canada |
Quantity |
7,589,501 |
7,498,613 |
7,556,398 |
7,375,749 |
7,548,197 |
$ thousands |
Value |
3,920,935 |
4,029,833 |
4,142,313 |
4,135,287 |
4,495,743 |
Note: Comprises the volume of milk and cream sold off farm. |
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, tables 003-0008 and 003-0011 and Catalogue no. 23-001-XIB. |
Last modified: 2005-01-12. |
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