- Corn for silage and tame hay, by provinces (1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)
- Field and speciality crops
- Greenhouse, mushroom, nursery, sod and Christmas tree area, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Horticulture and greenhouse products, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Other selected grains, by provinces (1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)
- Selected oilseeds, by provinces (1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)
- Selected other field crops, by provinces (1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)
- Top five field crops by area, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Top three fruit and field-grown vegetable crops by area, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Wheat, by provinces (1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)
Farm finance
- Computer use, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Farm census family by size, by provinces (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Farm households by income, by provinces
(2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Farm operators by age, by provinces (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Farm operators by marital status, by provinces (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Farm operators by language, by provinces (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Farm operators by education, by provinces (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Farm operators by farm type, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Farm operators by gross farm receipts, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Farm operators by farm capital, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Farm operators by farm-related injuries, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Farm operators by on-farm work, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Farm operators by non-farm work, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Farm operators by sex and age, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Farm population, by provinces (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Farm population and total population by religion, by provinces (1991 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Farm population and total population by religion, by provinces (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Labour force, farm operators by country of birth, by provinces (1996 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Labour force, farm operators by country of birth, by provinces (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
- Paid agricultural work, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Applications to the land, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Certified organic farming, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Land tenure, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Number of farms with gross receipts of $2,500 or more, by farm type, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Percent distribution of farms with gross receipts of $2,500 or more, by farm type, by provinces (1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)
- Selected farm machinery, by provinces
(1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)
- Total area of farms, land tenure and land in crops, by provinces (1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)
- Aquaculture industry, by provinces
- Cattle inventories, by provinces
- Cattle and calves, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Chicken and turkey production, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Production of eggs, by provinces
- Fur production, by provinces and territories
- Livestock, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Production of milk and cream, by provinces
- Other livestock, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Pigs, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Pig inventories, by provinces (quarterly)
- Poultry, by provinces (1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)
- Poultry inventory, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
- Production of poultry, by provinces
- Sheep inventories, by provinces
- Sheep and lambs, by provinces (2001 Census of Agriculture)
Visit Census of Agriculture for more information, including The Daily and an accompanying analytical article, provincial and regional trends, and the e-publications from the Census of Agriculture."