Aquaculture industry, by provinces
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
$ thousands |
Canada |
Gross outputs |
707,435 |
785,470 |
751,200 |
756,750 |
722,795 |
Sales of aquaculture products and services |
621,430 |
701,500 |
690,030 |
734,100 |
714,975 |
Other revenue1 |
29,885 |
30,370 |
26,770 |
20,250 |
16,520 |
Change in inventory value for goods |
56,120 |
53,600 |
34,400 |
2,400 |
-8,700 |
Product inputs |
431,505 |
478,350 |
496,000 |
536,745 |
506,671 |
Gross value added (factor cost)2 |
275,930 |
307,120 |
255,200 |
220,005 |
216,124 |
Salaries and wages |
85,800 |
93,000 |
101,100 |
108,600 |
101,800 |
1. Other revenue is a collective category which includes some confidential data points. |
2. Gross value added at factor cost is residually derived by subtracting product inputs or purchases from other businesses, from the gross output of the sector. |
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 003-0003 and Catalogue no. 23-222-XIE (free). |
Last modified: 2005-01-13. |
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