Canada Border Services Agency
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ARCHIVED - Fact Sheet

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April 2005

Laboratory and Scientific Services Directorate (LSSD)

The Laboratory and Scientific Services Directorate (LSSD) is the scientific arm of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and provides innovative scientific and technological solutions to questions related to contraband detection, determination and origin of goods and a number of other specialty areas. LSSD offers a diverse range of scientific, analytical, and research advisory services to the Agency.

LSSD employs a multi-disciplinary team of scientists and engineers and its capabilities include:

  • analysis of a wide range of industrial products, commodities and suspected contraband, such as pharmaceuticals, alcohol and tobacco products or illicit substances;
  • research work related to the detection of: radioactive materials, drugs, explosives and chemical and biological agents;
  • forensic examination of documents and media such as cargo manifests, tax forms and digital storage; and
  • expertise in biometrics and surveillance technology such as iris and facial recognition.

These and other services provided by LSSD contribute to the effective management of border, trade and tax policies which in turn impact on the protection of Canadian society against the illegal movement of goods, revenue generation, implementation of trade policies, and the competitiveness of Canadian industry.

Much of the work conducted by LSSD has gained international recognition and has established a solid reputation for its scientific competence and expertise. The CBSA's Laboratory and Scientific Services Directorate also shares its expertise and works closely with other customs organizations and law enforcement agencies in Canada, the United States and around the world.

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