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January 2009
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) clearance process is multi-staged. In accordance with section 11 of the Customs Act, all persons arriving from abroad must present themselves to a CBSA officer upon arrival in Canada. At Vancouver International Airport, passengers must see an officer at the primary inspection line and answer truthfully any questions asked by the officer about their immigration status and the goods they are importing. Normally, persons will have completed a CBSA Declaration Card (Form E311) before they arrive; however, additional questions may be asked by the officer.
Travellers will either claim their baggage and proceed to the exit or claim their baggage and report to another area within the facility for further processing (secondary processing).
Secondary processing may include the determination of the admissibility of travellers and/or their goods. In addition, a baggage examination may be necessary to verify travellers' declarations.
Once all formalities are completed, travellers can proceed to the exit and are free to leave the area.
Once travellers have cleared the primary inspection line, and no further processing is required, they may exit the CBSA area with their baggage without delay. However, if travellers are referred for further processing, their stay in the CBSA area could take up to several hours.
Approximately 4.5 million travellers are processed each year. On a daily basis, the CBSA processes between 10,000 and 20,000 travellers.