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April 2011
Alternate Service Delivery
Description of the reallocation
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) provides service at over 1,200 locations across Canada. The CBSA routinely conducts reviews to ensure that each service location operates at maximum efficiency, which includes the ability to provide service that not only delivers value for money but is also sufficient to respond to identified risks and threats at that location.
This time, in the context of the Strategic Review exercise, the Agency's assessment included reviews of smaller ports to seek efficiencies in terms of resource allocations.
The following table identifies the 16 points of service that have been affected by this review.
The security risks and threats associated with these ports of entry and service points are considered low; the volume of traffic is minimal; there are reasonable alternate service points in close proximity; and the costs of maintaining operations at current levels are high.
These changes are effective as of April 1, 2011.
How these changes benefit the CBSA
These changes allow the CBSA to cut costs and to focus more resources on other priority areas that promote the health, security and safety of Canadians.
How these changes benefit Canadians
These closures and reduced hours provide higher value for tax dollars and better align the CBSA's resources to the priorities of Canadians.
Closed (3 border locations)
- Jamieson's Line, QC – Border access in this area is available at Herdman, which is a 24/7 POE 10 km away.
- Franklin Centre, QC – Border access in this area is available at Herdman, which is a 24/7 POE 16 km away.
- Big Beaver, SK – Border access in this area is available at Coronach, which has the same hours of service as Big Beaver and is 28 km away. There is also a 24/7 POE 55 km away at Regway.
Reduced Hours (4 border locations)
- Glen Sutton, QC – The hours of service are now 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is a 24/7 POE 11.5 km away at Abercorn.
- East Pinnacle, QC – The hours of service are now 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is a 24/7 POE 10 km away at Abercorn.
- Morses Line, QC – The hours of service are now 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is a 24/7 POE 13 km away at St-Armand/Philipsburg.
- Kenora, ON – This location is now operating seasonally and its hours of service are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week, between May 15 and October 15.
Transfer of Service (9 in-land locations)
- Brampton, ON – Services are now provided from TPI Transport 8 L.P. (Interport Sufferance Warehouse Ltd).
- Fort Erie CVS, ON – Services are now provided from the Hamilton Trade Compliance Office.
- Ottawa Longroom, Ottawa, ON – Services to be provided from MacDonald Cartier International Airport, Ottawa Air Cargo Centre. (This transfer is tentatively scheduled for September 2011)
- Peterborough, ON – Services are now provided from Trenton.
- Kingston, ON – Services are now provided from Lansdowne.
- Côte-de-Liesse, QC – Services are now provided from Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport.
- Drummondville, QC – Services are now provided from Stanhope.
- Granby, QC – Services are now provided from Stanstead.
- Port-Cartier, QC – Services are now provided from Sept-Îles.