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November 2011
As of December 1, 2011, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is ending its Remote Ports Program (RPP) in Fosterville and Forest City, New Brunswick. It has been determined that due to low membership, the RPP is not an effective use of resources at these locations. The CBSA is in the process of notifying all RPP participants in the region.
Originally implemented in 1997, the RPP was intended to facilitate after-hours cross-border travel for low-risk Canadian citizens and importers at remote ports of entry. There are currently 60 participants using the RPP, and the program has not accepted new applicants for the last 10 years. Fosterville and Forest City were the only remaining ports of entry to offer this program.
Both Fosterville and Forest City ports of entry will maintain their regular operating hours during the day. RPP participants who would normally use these ports of entry after hours are instructed to go to the nearest port of entry in Woodstock, which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Woodstock port of entry is approximately 70 km from Forest City and 50 km from Fosterville.
Emergency workers who require use of the Fosterville and Forest City ports of entry will not be affected by these closures and will still have access after hours.
The CBSA is continually reviewing its procedures in an effort to make the best use of resources to maintain a safe and secure border.