Canada Border Services Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor (Montreal Gazette)

Re: A three hour lineup at the airport: there must be a better way

To the Editor:

This is further to the letter to the editor that appeared in your newspaper on September 26 entitled "A three-hour lineup at Trudeau airport: there must be a better way." The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) believes that it is appropriate to correct certain facts.

On September 9, many international flights caused a heavy and continuous flow of passengers. A total of 78 flights with more than 9,200 travelers arrived between noon and 9 PM on that day. All available resources were mobilized to handle this high volume of passengers and according to the data compiled, there was no report referring to a wait-time of more than 60 minutes.

Furthermore, contrary to what was suggested in the letter, a structured and effective complaint management mechanism is currently in place. The details can be found on our Web site in the section "Comments, Complaints, and Compliments."

The CBSA is committed to making sure that the service we provide our clients is fair, efficient and accessible.

Benoît Chiquette
Regional Director General
Canada Border Services Agency
Quebec Region