Canada Border Services Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Letter to the Editor

Toronto Sun

December 19, 2012

It was with profound disappointment that I read your paper's October 5 story about the alleged misbehavior of Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officials at a dinner meeting with a Chinese delegation. The article was unsubstantiated and was unfair to the men and women who work daily to protect the safety and security of Canadians.

I can now report that the various allegations were determined to be completely unfounded after a thorough investigation by our Professional Standards Investigation unit. There was no inappropriate behaviour whatsoever on the part of our officers. Nor was sensitive information shared or discussed with the Chinese delegation.

I can also confirm that the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner acknowledged the thoroughness of our internal investigative process and will not be conducting its own investigation into the matter.

Modern border management is a global enterprise that depends on positive working relationships with the international community. Working with our international counterparts, including China, enables us to better protect Canadians and facilitate legitimate travel and trade.

The employees of the CBSA are expected to uphold high standards of professionalism and integrity on the job and in their private lives. The trust of Canadians is crucial to our success and we take that trust seriously.

Luc Portelance
Canada Border Services Agency