Help - Legislation Plus Standards |
From the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation plus Standards home page, you can find legislation and standards:
- across all legislation -- use the Search box to search for a subject across all collections of legislation and standards at the same time,
- by jurisdiction -- click the by Jurisdiction tab and search for a subject or use the listing of legislation for each jurisdiction, and
- by standard -- click the by Standard tab and search for a subject or use the listing of standards.
- by topic -- click the by Topic tab to use the listing of legislation reference documents prepared by the CCOHS Inquiries Service.
When you know the name of the legislation/standard you are looking for, you can retrieve the document by its title using the lists. The lists identify "New" and "Amended" documents. (Note: Subscribers to the Legislation plus Standards service receive a free Legislation Notification Service.)
When using the Search Box, you can search using words (automatically finds all word forms), phrases or Boolean operators. For more information on how to search, see the Quick Reference table for examples of searches in Help - Searching from the sidebar.
In addition, from the Advanced Search page, you can search a specific field and/or specific jurisdiction(s) or specific standards organizations. For more information on using the Advanced Search, see Advanced Search.
For help on using the Legislation plus Standards service, see:
How to Find a Document
Search Examples of How to Find a Document
Advanced Search
Monthly Update Report
Legislation Notification Service
Help - Results & Toolbar (Legislation)
You may search the entire collection to find the legislation that meets your needs, however you will only be able to see the full-text of the legislation that is part of your subscription. The first time you try to open a document, you will be prompted for a username and password (except for users with domain name access).
- If the document is part of a jurisdiction included in your subscription, the document will open.
- If that jurisdiction is not part of your subscription, you will be asked to contact CCOHS Client Services to upgrade your subscription to include the necessary jurisdiction(s) not currently part of your subscription.
The Canadian enviroOSH Legislation plus Standards home page has been designed to help you easily locate legislation/standards by:
(Example) |
- To search for a subject across all legislation and standards at the same time, enter your search word(s)/phrase(s) in the Search box and click the SEARCH button.
- All word forms are automatically searched and the scope of the search will be all legislation and standards. (For more information on searching, see the Help - Searching.)
(Example) |
- To view a listing of legislation by jurisdiction, click the by Jurisdiction tab and choose a jurisdiction, e.g. British Columbia.
- To view a listing of all the legislation for all jurisdictions, click All Legislation.
- To view a listing of all federal legislation, click Canada (English) or Canada (Français).
- To view a listing of standards, click the by Standards tab and choose a collection.
- Within each jurisdiction, the legislation is presented in alphabetical lists organized by the name of the act with the individual regulations, guidelines, codes of practice, etc. below each act.
Tip: If you know the name of the title in this jurisdiction, you can simply scroll down the list of acts and regulations or press [Ctrl]+[F] to go directly to the title in the list. Click the desired title to display the document.
Tip: To quickly locate a title you can search the Title field by entering title<CONTAINS>Canada Labour Code in the Search box or using the Advanced Search page.
(Example) |
Within each jurisdiction, the legislation is presented in alphabetical lists organized by the name of the act with the individual regulations, guidelines, codes of practice, etc. below each act.
- To view a listing of legislation by jurisdiction, click the by Jurisdiction tab and choose a jurisdiction, e.g. Ontario.
- To search by a specific jurisdiction, click the by Jurisdiction tab and choose a jurisdiction, e.g. Quebec (English).
- Enter your search topic or use the alphabetical listing of the legislation to locate a document by title.
- The scope of the search will be the open jurisdiction only.
- You can flag the "new" and "amended" documents since your last visit, the last 3 months, last 6 months or the last year.
Tip: If you know the name of the title in this jurisdiction, you can simply scroll down the list of acts and regulations or press [Ctrl]+[F] to go directly to the title in the list. Click the desired title to display the document. |
(Example) |
You can view lists of the standards available organized by the standards organizations. Standards are organized by the Standard number, as assigned by the standards organization.
- To view the standards available, click the by Standard tab.
- To search for a specific standard, click the by Standard tab and choose a collection, e.g. Canadian Standards Association.
- Enter your search topic or use the alphabetical listing of the standards for that collection to locate a document by title.
- The scope of the search will be the open collection only.
Note: Only standards referenced in the EnviroOSH Legislation Service are included in our service.
Tip: If you know the name of the title in this collection, you can simply scroll down the list of documents and standards or press [Ctrl]+[F] to go directly to the title in the list. Click the desired title to display the document.
(Example) |
- To find legislation information on a specific topic, click the by Topic tab.
- For each topic listed, links to the legislation are provided.
- The list of legislation reference documents is prepared by the CCOHS Inquiries Service.
Your search automatically finds all form of search words and lists the results on the Search Results page. This page ranks and scores your results using relevance ranking listing the most relevant documents first. To open a document, click on its link/title in the list. For more information on working with the search results for the Legislation plus Standards service, see Help - Results & Toolbar (Legislation) from the sidebar.
Tip To quickly move to the location of a specific term in the open document:
- Click on the Edit menu and
- click on Find, or press [Ctrl]+[F].
- Enter a string of characters or a word, e.g. refuse.
- Click on Find Next.
If your search does not yield results, the Search Results will display a message showing your search matched "0" documents. Check that search terms were not misspelled or that the search syntax was correct.
You may search the entire collection to find the legislation that meets your needs, however you will only be able to see the full-text of the legislation that is part of your subscription. The first time you try to open a document, you will be prompted for a username and password (except for users with domain name access).
- If the document is part of a jurisdiction included in your subscription, the document will open.
- If that jurisdiction is not part of your subscription, you will be asked to contact Client Services to upgrade your subscription to include the necessary jurisdiction(s) not currently part of your subscription.
For more information on how to enter a search topic, see the Help - Searching.
How To |
Example |
Search By a Subject |
To locate documents on violence in the workplace:
- In the Search box, type violence AND workplace.
- Click on the SEARCH button.
- On the Search Results page, click the link/title of the desired document to view the full document.
All word forms are automatically searched and the scope of the search will be all legislation and standards.
When you enter your search topic in the Search box, use one or more words or phrases. For example, if you enter right AND "refuse dangerous work" the search software will retrieve documents containing all the word forms of right, such as "rights" and the exact phrase "refuse dangerous work".
Find a Title |
To locate Part III of the Canada Labour Code:
- Click the by Jurisdiction tab.
- Select the jurisdiction Canada (English).
- In the list of legislation, scroll to CANADA LABOUR CODE, PART III or press [Ctrl]+[F] to go directly to Canada Labour Code in the list.
- Click on the link for CANADA LABOUR CODE, PART III (R.S.C. 1985, c. L-2) to view the full document.
The scope of the search will be the Canada/Federal (English) jurisdiction only.
Find a Title |
To locate Part III of the Canada Labour Code:
- Click the by Jurisdiction tab.
- Select the jurisdiction Canada (English).
- In the list of legislation, scroll to CANADA LABOUR CODE, PART III or press [Ctrl]+[F] to go directly to Canada Labour Code in the list.
- Click on the link for CANADA LABOUR CODE, PART III (R.S.C. 1985, c. L-2) to view the full document.
The scope of the search will be the Canada/Federal (English) jurisdiction only.
Find a Document Within a Specific Jurisdiction |
To locate regulations from British Columbia on hearing loss:
- Click the by Jurisdiction tab.
- Select the jurisdiction British Columbia.
- In the Search box, type "hearing loss".
- Click on the Search button.
- In the Search Results page, click the link/title of the desired document to view it.
The scope of the search will be the British Columbia jurisdiction only.
Find a Standard |
To locate a CSA standard for wheelchair access:
- Click the by Standard tab.
- Select the collection Canadian Standards Association.
- In the Search box, type "wheelchair access".
- Click on the Search button.
- In the Search Results page, click the link/title of the desired document to view the full document.
The scope of the search will be the CSA standards collection only.
Search by a Topic |
To locate documents on "Right to Refuse" legislation:
- Click the by Topic tab.
- Click on the "Right to Refuse" Legislation link.
- In the document, click the link/title of the desired source/reference to view the full document.
The list of specific topics presented and reference documents are prepared by the CCOHS Inquiries Service.
From the Advanced Search page, you have the flexibility to search:
- in multiple jurisdictions/collections
- You can select the specific jurisdictions and standards for your search using checkboxes.
- "All Provincial & Territorial Jurisdictions" and "All Standards" are automatically selected/checked.
- De-select "All Provincial & Territorial Jurisdictions" and/or "All Standards", and click on the checkboxes to select the jurisdiction(s) or standards organization(s) that you wish to search.
- in specific fields
- Click on the drop down button next to All Fields and to see the list of available fields, e.g. Amendment, Title, DateModified, DateCreated, etc.
- Enter a search term(s) in the search box, then select the field to be searched.
- Then, you can also select the specific jurisdiction/standards for your search.
When using the Search Box, you can search using words (automatically finds all word forms), phrases or Boolean operators. For more information on how to construct your search or how to enter a search topic, see the Quick Reference table for examples of searches in Help - Searching from the sidebar.
Tracks health, safety and environmental legislation that is already available in the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series and new items that have been added to the service.
Highlights progress of:
- Upcoming legislation,
- Amendments,
- Repeals, and
- New documents.
To receive the Monthly Update Report, send email to clientservices@ccohs.ca or
click on the link on Legislation Plus Standards home page. You can also access archive issues of Monthly Update Report from the link on Legislation Plus Standards home page.
Tip: From the by Jurisdiction page which lists of the legislation for that jurisdiction, you can flag the "new" and "amended" documents since your last visit, the last 3 months, last 6 months or the last year.
This is an online service that allows you to track changes to specific documents (Acts, Regulations, Codes, and Standards) found in our Canadian enviroOSH Legislation plus Standards Service. You will receive an automatic e-mail notification when a change occurs to documents you have marked for tracking. To find out more about this service, go to the Subscriber Extras! tab and click on About Legislation Notification.
The Legislation Notification Service is accessed from:
- The Subscriber Extras! tab found on any Web Information Service (WIS) search page (to the right of the Search box).
- Click on the Legislation Notification Service link in the sidebar.
- Enter the same username and password you use to access the Legislation service.
Note: For subscribers that have access to the Legislation service by IP or Domain, you will not be prompted to enter the username and password.
To use the customized Legislation Notification Service
You first must set up your unique account. To set up your account:
- Go to Subscriber Extras!.
- Click on Legislation Notification Service.
- Click on Subscribe in the sidebar
- Enter your current email address.
- Enter a password.
- Repeat the password.
- Enter your name.
- Click on the Subscribe button.
After setting up your new account, you will receive a confirmation message.
To begin using the Legislation Notification Service
Go to the Subscriber Extras! tab and log into the service using your email address and the password you set up previously.
You can view the documents you have added to your custom tracking list by accessing your My Legislation List in the sidebar of the Subscriber Extras! page under Your Account.
- To add a document to your custom notification service:
- Open the document you are interested in tracking.
- On the toolbar, click the green LOGIN Notification Service button.
- The document will be added to your custom My Legislation List.
- To remove a document from your custom tracking list:
- Open the document.
- Click on the Remove button in the My Legislation List.
- If you need to update your custom account:
- Go to Subscriber Extras!.
- Click on Legislation Notification Service.
- Click on Modify Account in the sidebar.
- You can change: Your email address and/or Password.
- To remove your account from the Legislation Notification Service:
- Go to Subscriber Extras!.
- Click on Legislation Notification Service.
- Click on Unsubscribe.
If you have any questions or require any further assistance, please contact CCOHS Client Services