Your search results are organized in a series of tabs. These tabs and the toolbar at the top (and bottom) of the record display page allow you to view and mark records retrieved for printing and saving.
Use the description of the tabs below as a guide to viewing your search results.
- Tabs for Viewing Search Results
- Results Hints & Tips
- Toolbar Buttons
- Marked Records
Use the description of the tabs below as a guide to viewing your search results.
For information on using the results page and toolbar for the
Legislation service, see Help - Results & Toolbar (Legislation).
Tabs for Viewing Search Results
Simply click on a tab to view the search results by:
Summary |
The results are organized by collection. The number of results and a brief description of the type of information in each collection helps you choose which collection to use. The collections/databases accessible by subscription* are listed first, followed by our Additional Resources. |
Collection |
Each collection has its own tab across the top of the results page, e.g. CHEMpendium. For each collection:
- the tabs down the left side list the databases included in that collection (as illustrated).
- the All Results tab displays the results from all databases within a collection.
Marked Records |
Allows you to see all the records that you have marked for printing/saving. |
Tip: Grey tabs contain no results. Blue tabs contain results. The white tab is currently open.
Note*: You can search the collections/databases and view the results for FREE! However, you need a password to view the actual records for subscription products. To subscribe, contact CCOHS Client Services.
7-day FREE Trials are also available.
Results Hints & Tips
- The results are listed in order of relevance as shown by the score - the higher the score the more relevant the record.
- The small triangle shows the current sort order, (
) descending or ( ) ascending, and the field used for sorting (the Score field is used by default):
- Simply click on the triangle symbol to sort the records in the opposite order.
- On some pages, you can "re-sort" your results by Year, Name, etc. Simply click on the name of the field, i.e. Year and the triangle symbol shows the sort order.
- Grey tabs contain no results. This could occur because you searched a single web collection and you have only one active tab. You can expand your search results by searching across all collections from the Web Information Service home page.
- To view a database record, click on the title/name of the record.
- The Show Contents button allows you to easily move through the contents of database record using the list of available sections. To hide the list of sections, click Show Contents to toggle this feature off. You can also create a custom display for format and display only the fields you select (this feature is session specific).
- To quickly find your search term or a string of characters within the document you are viewing:
- click on the Edit menu and Find (on This Page) or press CTRL+F, and
- enter the characters to be found, e.g. acute and click on Find Next.
- To select and save a graphic, using your mouse, point to the graphic and then right-click. From the pop-up menu, select Save Image As. The file is saved as a graphic file, e.g. usually .gif or .jpg.
- You can modify your search on the Search Results page and click on Search to generate new results.
Toolbar Buttons
Tip: Green buttons are on/active. Blue buttons are off/inactive. Click on a button to toggle the feature on or off.
Tip: In the OSH References collection, you can mark records from the individual database tabs only, e.g. OSHLINE.
Marked Records
The mark records function allows you to select records for viewing, printing, and saving. This feature lets you collect the best articles/records into a Marked Records folder. These records can be prepared into a single document for printing and saving.
While viewing search results, a database record or the listing of marked records, you can easily:
Mark a database record |
- by clicking on the Mark Record button for the record you want marked. The checkmarked button shows that the record has been selected. |
Unmark a database record |
- by clicking on the Mark Record button for the record you no longer want marked. The checkmark is cleared and the record is not marked ). |
- Mark records in the search results hitlist summary by clicking/checking the box next to the desired record(s) and clicking the Submit button. The records are then listed in the Marked Records folder.
- From the Marked Records folder, you can view or unmark records, clear all marked records, or prepare the records for printing or saving. You can also identify the database source for each record.
- To open the Marked Records folder, click the Marked Records tab.
- To view a marked record:
- click on the title/name of the record, or
- click on Print/Save at the bottom of this page to view all marked records. This action displays the contents of the Marked Records folder in a separate window where they can be reviewed, and printed or saved. The records are presented in the order selected -- from first marked to last marked.
- Use the Internet Browser features to print or save the record you are viewing or marked records.
- To clear all marked records, click on the Clear Marked button at the bottom of the Marked Records folder. All all checkmarks are removed. This feature is only available from the Marked Records tab.
- You can mix records from different web collections/databases.
- Only database records can be marked. Marking of Legislation and OSH Answers records is not available at this time.
- Database records in PDF format(
), such as NJHS Fact Sheets and MSDSs, cannot be marked. They must be printed or saved one by one.
- The mark record function is session specific. When you exit the CCOHS website (Web Information Service), the marked records will be cleared.
Tip: In the OSH References collection, you can mark records from the individual database tabs only, e.g. OSHLINE.