Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Symbol of the Government of Canada

>Table 3 B User Fee Reporting Template - Policy on Service Standards for External Fees

External Fee Service Standard Performance Result Stakeholder Consultation
Subscription Services
Clients not satisfied with products can request a refund
See table 1
Publications 94% satisfied with the publication
E-learning Satisfaction or refund 98.4% Satisfied with the course Client consultations were completed prior to this new revenue item. Detailed client survey available for each participant. Detailed results available in Table 1
Special Projects Clients determine standards for each project Not applicable to contracts Not applicable to contracts

B.Other Information

Subscription services are based upon an agreement with the client for levels of services. CCOHS monitors its service delivery by requesting client feedback, conducting periodic formal evaluations and client satisfaction surveys. Ongoing client satisfaction surveys are conducted. Results are reported in the Departmental Performance Report. CCOHS' service pledge, standards and complaints policy are located at: Links are also provided to our ongoing feedback reporting system. Evaluations of client satisfaction are located at: