Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Our Service Pledge

  • We will provide you complete information to meet your needs.
  • We will provide you with useful information that is current and relevant to you.
  • We will respond to your questions using clear language and appropriate information.
  • We will provide reliable information from trusted and unbiased sources.
  • Competent and knowledgeable staff will respond to your questions.
  • We will provide you with a timely response to your requests.
  • We will make it easy for you to obtain information from us via telephone, e-mail or our website, in the official language of your choice.
  • We will listen and respond to what you say and treat you with respect.


How We Serve You Better


We consulted with our clients to prepare these Standards. Our complete report can be found at


We are committed to ensure client satisfaction is met. In order to do so, client satisfaction surveys provide feedback to identify areas of improvement. Our goal is to measure performance against the service pledge attributes listed above.

Our results are reported in our annual Performance Report.


The costs of our programs are published in our audited financial statement in the Annual Report of the Council. Details of various programs are outlined in our performance report.

Questions or Complaints

We are committed to providing all of our clients with the best service we can. If you feel you have received unsatisfactory service or unfair treatment, please contact our Manager - Communications Services, or our Manager - Inquiries and Client Services. Your concern will be answered as quickly as possible - within five business days.