Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Symbol of the Government of Canada

What should I know before reading about this occupation?

This profile summarizes the common issues and duties for fire fighters. Fire fighters may be called to any number of settings or workplaces. It is impossible to predict all of the possible hazards a fire fighter may encounter. This summary focuses on the major job duties that most fire fighters (those fighting primarily structural fires) would have in common.

What, briefly, does a fire fighter do?

Main duties of a fire fighter include:

  • Respond to fire alarms, accidents (automobile, industrial, aviation, etc.), building collapses, acts of nature (tornadoes, floods, etc) and others.
  • Rescue victims.
  • Control fire using various equipment and methods (axes, water, chemical extinguishers, ladders, vehicles, boats, etc).
  • Use proper techniques for first aid.
  • Provide safety education to the public.

Specialized teams may be organized to respond to specific hazardous materials.

What are some health and safety hazards associated with being a fire fighter?

Hazards typically fall into one of six general categories as listed below. For more information on that issue, prevention, or how to work safely with a chemical or material, click on the links where provided throughout this document.


While helping victims of fire or accidents, fire fighters may be exposed to contagious and infectious diseases including blood borne diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis B and C.


On the scene of a fire, there is exposure to various combustion products. The toxicity of the smoke depends greatly on the fuel (the materials or chemicals being burnt), the heat of the fire, and how much oxygen is available for combustion. Common combustion products include:

  • carbon monoxide
  • hydrogen cyanide
  • nitrogen dioxide
  • and many others

In addition, oxygen depletion from the air is common during fires. Hypoxia (the condition caused by little or no oxygen in the air) can result in a loss of physical performance, confusion and inability to escape.

Exposure to these hazards will also depend on the duties of the individual (e.g., those who enter the building during the fire versus those who clean-up after the fire has been extinguished).


There are many situations where physical demands involve force, repetition, awkward postures and prolonged activities. These include:

  • overexertion (reaching, carrying, etc.)
  • walking or working on your feet for long periods of time
  • lifting

Fire fighters will also work and train using heavy equipment, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), and personal protective equipment which may require more effort to perform the same tasks.


Heat stress is common. Heat may come from various sources including the fire and surroundings, but heat is also produced by the body during work (exercise). This effect can be worsened by the properties of the protective clothing and continuous physical exertion.

Fire fighters can be exposed to excessive noise levels.

Fire fighters are also required to work outdoors a great deal of the time. As a result, they may be exposed to extreme temperatures (both cold and heat).


In a fire situation, there are many situations where there a risk of injury (including the fire itself, structures breaking, unstable floors, falling objects). Falls from heights are also common.

Fires can create dangerous situations such as

  • sudden ignition of products creating flashover
  • backdraft where air is introduced to an area that is superheated and oxygen starved

Driving to the scene may also introduce increased potential for traffic accidents due to speeds travelled and road/weather conditions. General tips for winter driving are located here.


Fire fighters are exposed to critical events where there is often a grave or uncertain danger. Exposure to serious traumatic events (or consequence of the event) is another cause of stress. As with most emergency services, there will be long periods of quiet or routine interrupted abruptly by periods of intense stress or activity.

In addition, most firefighters work shifts or extended work days which can have health effects.

Are there any long-term health effects of being a fire fighter?

According to the International Labour Office (ILO), there have been some studies that have shown some long term health consequences from fire fighting. In other studies, similar connections could not be made. In either case, the need for working safely is extremely important.

Fire fighters may experience:

  • Cancer, especially genito-urinary (including kidney, ureter and bladder) but also possibly brain cancer, and cancers of the lymphatic and hematopoietic (blood) system.
  • Back injuries and other strains.
  • Diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.
  • Cardiovascular disease due to a multitude of toxic substances when fighting a fire. For example, carbon monoxide exposure is directly linked with cardiac toxicity.

Under further study are:

  • Chronic and lung diseases, which are thought to be in part due to the toxic gases produced during a fire, but also the level of physical activity required during intense periods of time.
  • Lung cancer, which has shown a possible weak association.

(Source: Guidotti, T.L. Firefighting Hazards. In Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. 4th edition. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1998. Pages 95.4-95.9)

What are some preventative measures that can be taken?

Because of the wide variety of hazards a fire fighter may encounter, the need for extensive training and the role of experience are often the best way to prevent injury.

Other preventative measures include:

  • Hand washing is extremely important for the reduction of infections.
  • Learn about and use the correct routine practices to prevent blood borne pathogen infection.
  • Always use the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) or other barriers for the task.
  • Learn safe lifting techniques.
  • If a job requires work in an awkward position (e.g., with hands above shoulder level) be sure to take breaks where possible.
  • Follow a recommended shift work pattern, and be aware of the hazards associated with shift work.
  • Ask your workplace to establish safe procedures for working alone or develop procedures where this situation can be avoided altogether.
  • Consider offering a debriefing or session after a critical event to help reduce the impact from stress.
  • Stay fit from regular exercise and training. While it will help to make sure you can perform your job satisfactorily, it will also help reduce the likelihood of injuries.

What are some general safe work practices to know?

Fire fighters will need to know:

All workers should:

Where can I get more information?

Because of the wide variety of situations where a fire fighter may work, and the vast range of activities done and materials encountered, all situations cannot be covered in this document.

NOTE: If you have health concerns, ask your doctor or medical professional for advice.

If you have any questions or concerns about your specific workplace, you can ask one or more of the following for help:

General information is available in OSH Answers or through the CCOHS person-to-person Inquiries Service.

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Document last updated on March 27, 2003

Copyright ©1997-2013 Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety