About Us

This section of our website contains information about the structure, role and activities of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada.

Through Who We Are, you can find out more about the Auditor General, Michael Ferguson, and the Interim Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Neil Maxwell, as well as other members of the Executive Committee. In addition to finding out what kinds of professionals are members of the Office’s staff, you can take a brief look at the Office’s long history.

The What We Do pages contain information about our mandate, the types of legislative auditing we conduct, and how we report to Parliament. They include a series of accountability reports that together help answer the question, “Who audits the Auditor General?”, and a set of printable fact sheets.

The Office of the Auditor General has developed a mechanism for accepting complaints or allegations related to the failure of the Office to perform an audit in compliance with professional standards, regulatory and/or legal requirements, and the Office’s audit quality control systems.

It is important to note that this complaint mechanism is designed to deal exclusively with the above-noted failures and is not a means to question and/or challenge audit results and findings or the professional judgment underlying them.