Status of Women Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Status of Women Canada


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Opportunities at SWC

Employment at SWC

The Public Service Commission (PSC) is the agency responsible for recruitment of all other types of employment opportunities for Status of Women Canada. To view other positions currently advertised on the PSC website, go to:

Post-Secondary Co-operative (Co-op) Education and Internship Program within the Public Service of Canada

The Public Service of Canada continues to be the nation's largest single employer of students enrolled in Co-operative education (Co-op) and Internship programs.

Please note that the Public Service Commission of Canada does not maintain a listing of opportunities on its web site. Federal departments/agencies interested in hiring students for Co-op/Internship placements contact the educational institutions directly to place their request.

You must consult the notice boards at your campus career center or Co-op/Internship placement office for federal government placement opportunities. You must be registered in a CO-op or Internship Program with your academic instituion prior to applying for a federal government placement.

Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP)

The Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) is the primary vehicle through which federal departments and agencies recruit students for temporary students jobs. FSWEP gives full-time post-secondary students fair and equal access to students jobs offered by the Public Service of Canada and opportunities to learn about the federal government and gain valuable experience while developing and improving their employability skills.


Full time students must be registered with the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) at the Public Service Commission. You can apply on-line or obtain an application kit at career offices on campus, Canada Employment Centres and Public Service Commission offices.

Apply on-line or get more information via the Public Service Commission Web Site at


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