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Bannière : Moteur d'immortalité : Les journaux canadiens de 1752 à nos jours
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Bibliographie sélective sur l'impression ancienne au Canada

Bartlett, Mark C. The History of the Book in Canada: A Bibliography. Compiled by Mark C. Bartlett, Fiona A. Black, Bertrum H. MacDonald. Halifax, N.S: B.H. MacDonald, 1993. 260 p. ISBN 0969734905.

Bassam, Bertha. First Printers and Newspapers in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1968. 25 p. University of Toronto School of Library Science Monograph Series in Librarianship, no 1. ISSN 0581-0345.

Bourinot, John George. The Intellectual Development of the Canadian People: An Historical Review. Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1881. 128 p.

Fauteux, Aegidius. Introduction of Printing into Canada. Montreal: Rolland Paper Co., [1930?] c1929. 178 p.

Felteau, Cyrille. « Aspects de l'histoire de la presse canadienne de langue française au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècles », Écrits du Canada français, no. 47, 1983, p. 87-105.

« The First Newspaper Published in Canada », Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal, vol. 12, no 3, juillet 1885, p. 128-129.

Gundy, Henry Pearson. Book Publishing and Publishers in Canada before 1900. Toronto: Bibliographical Society of Canada, 1965. 63 p.

Halifax Library Association. Nova Scotia in Books, from the First Printing in 1752 to the Present Time, Commemorating the Centennial of Confederation. [By Shirley Elliott and Ellen Webster]. Halifax: Halifax Library Association in cooperation with the Nova Scotia Provincial Library, 1967. 40 p.

Haworth, Eric. Imprint of a Nation. Toronto; New York: Baxter Pub, 1969. 220 p.

Oswald, John Clyde. Printing in the Americas. Port Washington, N.Y., Kennikat, 1965. 2 vols.

Thomas, Isaiah. The History of Printing in America: With a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers with the Author's Corrections and Additions, and a Catalog of American Publications Previous to the Revolution of 1776. 2d ed. Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell, printer, 1874. 2 vols. (Publiée sous la supervision d'un comité spécial de l'American Antiquarian Society)

Toronto Public Library. Canadian Book of Printing: How Printing Came to Canada and the Story of the Graphic Arts, Told Mainly in Pictures. Toronto: published by Toronto Public Libraries and the 500th Anniversary Committee commemorating the invention of the art of printing from movable types, 1940. 130 p.

Tremaine, Marie. A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints 1751-1800. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1952, (réimpression de 1999) 705 p. ISBN 0802042198.

Whitelaw, Marjory. First Impressions: Early Printing in Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nova Scotia Museum, 1987. 48 p. ISBN 0888710836.



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