Caring for miniature portraits - The Vault - Real Stories: A Past in Miniatures - Exhibitions - Library and Archives Canada
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      Caring for miniature portraits

    Miniatures are extremely sensitive to light and should be stored in the dark and exhibited or shown always under low light levels at maximum 45 Lux except for pertinent photography and/or laboratory examination.

    Miniatures should be kept in a cool, dry, dark place with a stable environment, ideally at 50% relative humidity (RH) and 18 degrees Celsius.

    The collection is available for consultation by appointment.

    Only designated archival staff can move, handle and show miniatures.

    White cotton gloves must be worn at all times to handle miniature cases, lockets and frames.

    Miniatures are exhibited only in environmentally controlled and stable exhibition rooms and display cases.

    Miniatures may be loaned for exhibitions when the highest standards are guaranteed for packing, crating, shipping and installation.

    Great care must be taken when handling unframed miniature paintings as body heat generated by the hand will immediately transfer to the miniature.

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