Submission 0303-ACA_924254

Submitter: Area "A" Crab Association

Community: UCLUELET

Date Submitted: October 21, 2010

(The attached document was provided to the commission at the Nanaimo public forum as part of the submission by the Area "A" Crab Association.)

The major problem facing the Canadian fishery is political and bureaucratic interference and mismanagement. For example, DFO refused to fully implement the recommendations of an independent review of its consultation processes following the collapse of the fishery in 1999. In 2010, DFO mismanagement prevented commercial fishers on the west coast of Vancouver Island from accessing the Fraser sockeye return. The commission should recommend the implementation of an ecosystem-based integrated management scheme based on sound science and principle-driven allocation processes.

This submission was presented at the Nanaimo Public Forum on September 14, 2010.

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