Submission 0261-WATT

Submitter: Laurie Watt

Community: New Westminster

Date Submitted: October 7, 2010

Open net-cage salmon feedlots are killing wild salmon in plain view of DFO, which has the impossible dual responsibilities of promoting aquaculture and protecting wild salmon. Promotion of aquaculture should be transferred from DFO to another ministry.


Submission Files:

File 1:

Cohen Commission Comment - L.Watt Sept 7, 2010.pdf

File 2:


File 3:

BC Aquaculture Report May 16, 2007 Recomm.pdf

File 4:

UBCIC Press_WildSalmonOurLifeblood_021810[1].pdf

File 5:

Rafe Mair WHAT DOES[1]...pdf

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