OTTAWA, September 18, 2006 - Arar Commission releases its findings on the handling of the M aher Arar case
- click here

OTTAWA, September 13, 2006 - Media Lockup for Arar Commission’s Factual Inquiry Report - click here

OTTAWA, April 11, 2006 - Arar Commission Reports Expected to be Released by End of Summer - click here

The Commissioner’s mandate for the Policy Review is to make recommendations on an independent , arm’s length review mechanism for the activities of the RCMP with respect to national security.

This mandate includes an examination of domestic and international review models, as well as an assessment of how an oversight mechanism would interact with existing review mechanisms.

This Policy Review work is already under way, and has its own process and schedule independent of the Factual Inquiry schedule. To learn more about the process and schedule, click here.

The Commissioner has also appointed a five-member Advisory Panel to assist him with the Policy Review. The members of the Panel have considerable expertise in the fields of intelligence, national security and government policy. To learn more about the Advisory Panel members, click here.

The Policy Review is an independent part of the Inquiry, and the Commissioner looks forward to the public’s contributions. To learn more about how members of the public can contribute, click here.

Last Updated: 2006-09-18

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