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Ottawa, Dec. 9, 2008 - Justice Jeffrey Oliphant, Commissioner of the Commission of Inquiry into Certain Allegations Respecting Business and Financial Dealings between Karlheinz Schreiber and the Right Hon. Brian Mulroney, issued this statement today.

"I have informed the parties to the Commission that we will be commencing the Part I Factual Inquiry on March 30th, 2009 rather than the tentatively scheduled February 9th date. The reason for this unavoidable change in our original schedule is that the Commission has encountered technological challenges brought about by the Commission's having to use a specified document management software program.

In addition to the computerized processing of the documents, Commission Counsel requires time to carry out the necessary document review. As well, time is required to enable counsel for the parties to conduct their own reviews of the relevant documents.

The document management program was mandated by the Terms of Reference for the Commission. Ultimately, the program will be extremely useful to the Commission in carrying out its mandate.

The delay in commencing the Part I Factual Inquiry will have an impact on the schedule of other aspects of the Commission's work. I will ensure that the public and the media are kept abreast of any changes once I can confirm those dates."

The Commission will be holding a hearing on January 7 and 8, 2009 to receive submissions from the parties to the Inquiry concerning the standards that the Commissioner should apply in determining certain of the questions set out in the Commission's Terms of Reference. [A notice of hearing, explaining the process, is posted on the Commission's website.] The Commission will also be holding a hearing on January 21, 22 and 23 (if necessary), to hear applications for standing and funding for Part 2 of the Inquiry - the policy review. Under the policy review, the Commissioner is charged with reporting and making recommendations on two issues raising policy questions. These two issues centre on the content of Canada's federal ethics rules, as well as on the policies and practices at the Privy Council Office governing the provision to the Prime Minister of correspondence from the public. [The Notice of standing and funding hearing for Part 2 is posted on the Commission's website.]


For further information contact:
Barry McLoughlin
Marc Desjardins
Ottawa 613-230-9235

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