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Commissioner Oliphant Reserves Judgment on Part II Requests for Standing

Ottawa Jan 22, 2009 - Commissioner Jeffrey J. Oliphant announced today that he has reserved judgment on the applications by persons seeking standing before the Commission for Part II of the Inquiry -the Policy Review

"With respect to each of the applications by Mr. Jefford, Mr. Schreiber and Democracy Watch I will reserve. I will be writing rulings with respect to each of those applications. They will be delivered to each of the parties and, after translation, posted on the website of the Commission", stated Commissioner Oliphant.

The Commissioner yesterday granted the application by the Attorney General of Canada for standing for Part II of the Inquiry.

The Commissioner has stated that members of the public who wish to contribute to the Policy Review will have until March 31st 2009 to send in their written submissions to the Commission. The email address for submissions is:

Or by mail at:
Public Submissions
Oliphant Commission
P.O. Box 2740
Station D
Ottawa ON K1P 5W7

Further information about the process for Part II - the Policy Review can be found on the Commission's website at


For further information:
Barry McLoughlin
Oliphant Commission

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