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Ottawa May 28, 2010 -

1. May 31st Release Plans Update

As previously announced, the Oliphant Commission report will be publicly released on Monday, May 31st at 1:00 pm EDT. Copies will be available for reporters attending the Commissioner's Statement at the Government Conference Centre, 2 Rideau St., in the Sussex room at 1:00 pm EDT. It will be posted at 1:00 pm on the Commission's website at There will be no lock-up or embargoed copies.

The media release plans for the Commission are as follows:

At 1:00 pm EDT Commissioner Jeffrey J. Oliphant delivers a statement on his report. Approx. time: 30 minutes.

1:30 EDT Lead Senior Counsel, Richard Wolson, Q.C. as well as Senior Legal Counsel Nancy Brooks, Evan Roitenberg and Giuseppe Battista will answer questions about the report. Approx. time 45 minutes.

Richard Wolson will be available for media interviews for the remainder of the day. A media interview schedule is being developed by Barry McLoughlin of McLoughlin Media.

Any accredited journalists wishing to attend the Commissioner's statement & Commission counsel's media briefing and/or to conduct an interview with Mr. Wolson, are asked to confirm their email and telephone coordinates with Barry McLoughlin at the email address below.

2. Posting of Key 2009-10 Expenditures

The Oliphant Commission has posted its expenditures for the fiscal year 2009-10 today with expenditures of $6,661,967, which is $413,608 under the budget of $7,075,575. The total cost for the two-year period ending March 31, 2010 is $12,899,018.

The Commission is still on track to meet its targeted budget figure of $14.1 million overall as previously announced Nov. 6, 2009 - approximately $2.2 million under the budget approved by Treasury Board.

3. Proactive Disclosure of Contracts

As the Commission did the previous year, and in accordance with government policy, a proactive disclosure of all contracts over $25,000 issued during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2010 are posted on the website at:

Note that all figures are subject to final clarification but represent the best information available to date. The details will be published in the Government Public Accounts in the Fall.


Barry McLoughlin
Oliphant Communications

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