Représentations 0186-SHERWOOD

Déposant : Robert and Deborah Sherwood

Communauté : Osoyoos

Déposé le : Septembre 15, 2010

Résumé :
Les données scientifiques indiquent que le pou du poisson, les antibiotiques et les eaux usées des exploitations aquacoles à enclos ouverts provoquent la disparition du saumon sauvage. La Commission devrait recommander l’interdiction de l’élevage du saumon dans les océans, d’autant que la pisciculture se pratique souvent dans le mépris des lois, voire dans l’illégalité.

Représentations :
Salmon are the heartbeat of British Columbia's environment. They provide us with beauty, ecological integrity, food and money. We owe it to them to honour, respect, value and protect their continued well-being.

Open water fish farms with their lice, antibiotics and sewage are not the way to do that. The scientific research and literature are unequivocal and clear now - we risk losing our magnificent salmon if the open water fish farms are allowed to continue.

The companies controlling BC salmon fish farms are operating in an uncooperative, disdainful and probably illegal fashion.

It would be to our total shame and an enormous tragedy if we continue to acquiesce to their vested interests while witnessing the disappearance of the salmon - fish farms must be removed from open waters.

Please do your best to assure that science and common sense prevail so that we can enjoy many future generations of wild salmon.

With thanks for your wise consideration of our submission.

Bob and Deb Sherwood

Documents de Représentations :

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Liste des commentaires

Nom: GordonStewart

Date de création: December 10, 2010

The Sherwoods have presented a very cogent submission. Let use not overlook that these insights are shared by our coastal neighbors to our south.