Représentations 0510-PROBERT


Communauté : aldergrove

Déposé le : Avril 12, 2011

Résumé :
Le MPO a donné la fausse impression que la surpêche est la cause du déclin des stocks de saumon pour faire taire les critiques à l’égard de sa gestion incompétente des pêches.

Représentations :
OVERFISHING Is the reason salmon stocks are in their current state!

Commercial Salmon fishermen are making a fortune.

As many submissions state;

Yet not paying anything for access to a public resource.

THis misconception has been constantly used as a foil to deflect any focus on dfo STAFF and the totally inept ' MANAGEMENT ' , by their definitition of ' SCIENCE', for more than two decades!

Review dfo media releases between 1988 and 2009 and you will find we are blamed by dfo AS the cause of this never-ending crisis!

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