Représentations 0620-BAKER

Déposant : Alexis Baker

Communauté : Vancouver

Déposé le : Août 25, 2011

Résumé :
Il est inacceptable de terminer les audiences avant d’avoir examiné le saumon de l’Atlantique des fermes aquicoles de C.-B.

Représentations :
How have we come this far into an inquiry and haven't tested one farm fish yet. Mary Ellen Walling's timing to let DFO/Miller and her team test later. This should have been started last summer when the commission started up. As a tax paying Canadian and as someone with a shred of common sense, I'm mystified by the lack of focus on this enormous new thing in our ocean that Parallels the decline of sockeye! I do not think it acceptable for the hearings to end before we test Atlantic farm fish in BC. There are probably more Atlantics swimming around in our ocean than wild salmon these days when you take all the farms into a count

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