Représentations 0340-ARSENAULT

Déposant : Darlene Arsenault

Communauté : Sayward

Déposé le : Novembre 3, 2010

Résumé :
Les preuves scientifiques montrent que les fermes d’élevage sont polluantes et nuisibles aux stocks de poissons sauvages et aux autres formes de vie marine. Les responsabilités du MPO en matière d’aquaculture entrent conflit avec ses autres fonctions. Le saumon sauvage est la pierre angulaire de l’écosystème côtier, et nous ne devons pas permettre sa disparition.

Représentations :
I hope that the Cohen Commission listens to the science that support the facts, that fish farms are a poison plague on our oceans. That they cause pollution from a large range of pesticides and growth hormones into our wild fish stocks, as well as being detrimental to other marine wildlife. DFO needs to be relieved from it's duties regarding fish farms, as it is in conflict with it's other mandates. I appeal to this commission to not let foreign interests colour the final outcome. The future of this coast and it's inhabitants are the important thing here, my children's future is in the balance. the future of the balance of nature on this coast is in the balance. Wild Salmon = Orca=Sea Lions= Humpbacks= Eagles= Grizzly Bears= Black Bears= The Great Bear Rainforest. Our Pink Salmon stocks are the cornerstone of all this. We will fall, if our Wild Salmon falls !!

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