Représentations 0277-HARPER

Déposant : Peter Harper

Communauté : Campbell River

Déposé le : Octobre 14, 2010

Résumé :
Les critiques de l’industrie de la salmoniculture parlent de conjecture plutôt que de science. Le retour record du saumon sauvage montre que la salmoniculture ne nuit pas aux stocks de saumons sauvages. Le public devrait se concentrer sur les nombreux facteurs du milieu qui sont défavorables au saumon sauvage plutôt que sur les salmonicultures.

Représentations :
Dear Sirs:
I have read many articles published about salmon farming and its alledged effect on wild salmon stocks. I find that the journalists and publications that publish these articles are just a tool being manipilated by people who are loud and raucous in their critism of the salmon farming industry. These critics of the industry do not make statements based on science but on conjecture and it is unfortunate that opinion is swayed by false information.
Salmon farms do not harm the wild stocks in anyway, as is indicated by the return in record numbers of wild salmon.
The salmon farms were created to preserve the wild stocks by serving a market for salmon and reducing the need for a wild catch.
There are very many major environmental factors thataffect the wild stocks, let us focus on those and not the erroneous claims of people who are serving only their own interests.

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Liste des commentaires

Nom: Priscilla Judd

Date de création: October 27, 2010

You are right - there are a lot of environmental problems and that includes fish farms that let their fish farm sewage go straight into the ocean.

Salmon Farms were created to make a profit - that is the point of every "corporation" - A Corporation's first duty is to the shareholder (investor).

It's in everyone's interest to clean up pollution - that includes fish farm pollution along with other sewage pollution - for today and for the future generations of our planet.