Représentations 0182-FOSTER

Déposant : Jenny Foster

Communauté : Nanaimo

Déposé le : Septembre 13, 2010

Résumé :
La Commission devrait se pencher sur les changements récents observés dans les interactions entre le saumon rouge du fleuve Fraser et ses prédateurs, et plus particulièrement le calmar de Humboldt.

Représentations :
Changes in our ocean dynamics have brought us new predators in the past few years. For example, the Humboldt squid appeared in our waters around Vancouver Island in massive numbers in 2007 - the same time that these 2009 Fraser River sockeye were migrating from the river to the open ocean.

This is a unexpected variable and may explain why that year was drastically different than most others.

I recommend the Cohen Commission look at changes in predator/prey interactions with a special focus on variables such as the Humboldt squid.

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