Représentations 0736-SHIELS

Déposant : Dolores Shiels

Communauté : Sointula

Déposé le : Septembre 13, 2011

Résumé :
Le gouvernement devrait dépenser 18 500 $ pour faire un test qui pourrait sauver le saumon sauvage.

Représentations :
It is very disturbing to me that our Government has spent 25 million dollars on this inquiry but will not spend $18,500.00 on a test that could save the wild salmon. That's 25 million of our tax dollars! We the public should have our say in how this money should be spent and where. I listened to two days of these hearings and without a doubt there is a cover up. Alexandra Morton was personally attacked for two days by DFO and Government lawyers when they should have been spending their time on finding out what really happened to the 2009 sockeye run. The solution is there lets get the work done and save the wild salmon. There's not much time left!

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