Her Majesty Queen Victoria established the Royal Victorian Medal in April 1896. The Medal is conferred upon civilian and n on-commissioned military personnel who have performed personal services to the Sovereign or to members of the Royal Family.

The Royal Victorian Medal, though related to the Roy al Victorian Order, is a decoration which differs not only in its appearance, but also in the way it is worn.

The Medal is awarded in silver gilt (gold), silver and bronze. It bears the effigy of the reigning Sovereign with the current legend on the ob verse, and on the reverse, the Royal Cipher upon an ornamental shield within a laurel wreath.

A holder of a bronze medal could wear both the bronze medal and a subsequent silver (or gold) medal if it were awarded. Bars may be awarded to each class of m edal for further services, while the medals may be worn in addition to the insignia of the Royal Victorian Order if the latter is subsequently conferred. In most circumstances, the silver medal is awarded.

The medal is worn from the Order's ribbon on t he left breast with other medals or from a bow by women not in uniform.

After December 31, 1984, when the status of the Medal changed to that of a decoration, recipients were permitted to place the letters R.V.M. after their names.

Names of the recipi ents are published in The London Gazette.

The Royal Victorian Medal is part of the Canadian Honours System established in 1967.

(March 1994)