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The Deblois Lights
Collectted by Janie Jones.

The famous train wreck that occurred on March 30th 1932 is the basis for this ghost story that has many to verify its truth. On that night it was stormy and one train hit a snow bank a few hundred yards from the terminal. They worked throughout the night but couldn't free the freight train. There was an express train equipped with a plough coming the opposite way that was already several hours late.

The express came thundering towards the freight train and hit it with a thundering crash. It was the biggest train wreck to occur on Prince Edward Island. It is said that one man went out on the tracks with a lantern to warn the train of danger, but was killed upon impact.

Today if you park on the Deblois road and wait quietly you might just see his light, as he walks forever to his death along the long abandoned train tracks.

For more information on this topic see the poem by folklorist Alec Shea, Train wreck, March 30th, 1932.