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Wawanesa: The Community: Groups: Present Groups
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The Lions Club
The Lions club has been extremely active in Wawanesa since its founding in 1957. The Lions took over management of the park in 1957 and built a swimming pool. Building the Valley Lodge, a home for seniors, was the Lion’s next major project and it was completed in 1968.

The Lions Club then turned their efforts to the construction of a Recreation Centre that included a skating and curling rink. This project was finished in 1975, just a year before the river flooded and destroyed the swimming pool. A new swimming pool became the next project and in 1978 the Lions finished the pool that continues to serve the community.

Picture of Wawanesa Rec Center
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The Lions constructed "the rink" in 1975
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Picture of Wawanesa Pool
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The Lions ran many fund raisers throughout the years and used the money to fund the considerable number of building projects that they completed. The club also published a newspaper named “News and Views” for several years. The paper was taken over by students of Wawanesa School in 1977 and then by the Lioness club who continue to published it as “The Lioness Express”.
The Wawanesa Pool was finished in 1978
The Lioness Club
In 1984 a number of women came together to start a Lioness Club in Wawanesa. The group publishes a community newspaper called “The Lioness Express” and has been active in fund-raising for various organisations including the Red Cross, the Lions Telethon, the Swimming Pool, and many other worthwhile causes. The Lioness Club also organises a Welcome Wagon for newcomers to Wawanesa. Though the group is not old it has become important to Wawanesa’s community life.
Wawanesa did not have a hospital until 1953. During the late 1940's there was some support for the idea of getting a hospital in Wawanesa. However, many people were sceptical about whether a small town could support such an institution. By the early fifties, though, support was adequate and the hospital was built.
Picture of aging Wawanesa Hospital
Finances have always been a concern for the hospital due to Wawanesa’s small size. Recently the community has won the battle to keep the hospital. The original building was becoming antiquated and it was feared that when it was shut down there would no longer be a hospital in Wawanesa. Through considerable effort Wawanesa has recieved permissions and funding to construct a new hospital. The new hospital wiil ensure medical service remains in Wawanesa for years to come.
This hospital building, built in 1953, is currently being replaced by a more modern centre.
Wawanesa and District Hospital Aid Plans for the new Wawanesa Hospital
This group was established in 1949 in order to raise money for the hospital. After the hospital was built, the group continued to raise money and sew bed sheets, gowns, and other articles. The group continues to work, improving equipment and services at the hospital.
Plans for the new hospital have been made and work has begun as of the summer of 1999.
Wawanesa Red Cross
Established prior to World War I, the Red Cross group in Wawanesa sewed, knitted, and gathered together goods needed overseas and in other parts of Canada. The Red Cross Blood Clinics also helped to save many lives. The Red Cross also developed Water Safety courses that have been an important part of many children's summers, combining fun with safety. Since 1986, co-operation with the Lioness Club has allowed the Red Cross Canvass charity drive to flourish in Wawanesa
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