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Wawanesa: People: Alonzo Kempton
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Kempton and the Wawanesa Mutual
When Kempton founded the Wawanesa Mutual he was working for a large eastern insurance company. Legend has it that he was sitting around a fire at night while on a trip across the open prairie when an idea struck him. He thought that the farmers of the area could better insure their equipment by forming a local mutual insurance company. Kempton knew that the insurance he was currently peddling was hard for the farmers to afford and he was sure a mutual company could offer a better deal.
Mutual Insurance
The Community
Kempton presented his proposal to the local farmers. He, the salesman for the eastern company, convinced the farmers that they should abandon their old company and create a new one. The risk to his current job was likely significant but Kempton gambled and his new idea took hold. The company began to insure local threshing machines.

Kempton became manager of the Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company and through aggressive business policy, expanded the company across the south west portion of Manitoba.
pic of A F Kempton, his car & house
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Kempton’s House and His car of Course
Kempton was well known in town. He had to have things his way and more than a few people got into an altercation with him over some matter or other. Kempton was also ready to help whenever he could. He was involved in many community endeavours and was always ready to give to a worthy cause.
pic of Kempton and his car
The position of manager of the expanding business was fairly profitable, and Kempton was not one to hoard. The table of the Kempton house always had the best food, served by Kempton’s personal Chinese cook. When Kempton went out he drove the biggest car in town. He was quite proud of his car and it is featured quite often in his photo albums. The large well dressed man must have been quite a sight when he drove down Wawanesa’s dirty main street, passing by horses and buggies.
Kempton and his car
Kempton’s final days with the Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company saw expansion into Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories. Kempton was very successful as the manager of the Mutual but in 1922 a “difference of opinion” arose between the irascible Kempton and the Directors. Kempton offered his resignation, a gambit that he had used on other occasions in order to get his way. This time the threat did not have the desired effect and the board of Directors accepted his resignation. Fittingly Kempton left Wawanesa with a bang.
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