Profile of Survey Respondents

All surveys were completed in English. Eighty-nine percent of respondents identified English as the language they speak most often at home. The rest of the surveyed electors identified other languages, including French, among others.

Age, Weighted, Unweighted
Age Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
18 to 34 years 98 25 64 16
35 to 54 years 120 30 110 28
55 years of age and older 182 45 226 57
Gender, Weighted, Unweighted
Gender Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Man 192 48 195 49
Woman 207 52 204 51

Prefer not to say: n=1

Employment, Weighted, Unweighted
Employment Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Employed 237 60 210 53
Retired 106 27 139 35
Student 13 3 10 3
Unemployed and looking for work 17 4 14 4
Homemaker * * * *
Permanently unable to work * * * *
Temporarily not working * * * *
Other 11 3 11 3

[*] Indicates the cell count is too small to present.

Prefer not to say: n=1

Education, Weighted, Unweighted
Education Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Less than high school -- -- -- --
Some high school * * * *
Completed high school 45 11 47 12
Some college 21 5 22 6
Completed college 77 19 74 19
Some university 30 8 28 7
Completed university 139 35 140 35
Post-graduate university 78 20 79 20
Other * * * *

[--] Indicates no value.

Prefer not to say: n=1

Household size, Weighted, Unweighted
Household size Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Single-person household 74 19 84 21
Two people 125 31 141 35
Three 81 21 72 18
Four 83 21 72 18
Five or more 34 8 29 7

Prefer not to say: n=2

Disability, Weighted, Unweighted
Disability Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
No disability 304 76 297 74
Mild disability 63 16 68 17
Moderate disability 15 4 15 4
Severe/very severe disability 16 4 19 5

[*] Indicates the cell count is too small to present.

Prefer not to say: n=1

Born in Canada, Weighted, Unweighted
Born in Canada Weighted Unweighted
n % n %
Born in Canada 281 70 279 70
Born outside Canada 119 30 121 30