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Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes    (ISSN 1198-9149)
Volume 11.7 (2005 03 16)
Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick) & J. R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)     <

Published by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publié par la société canadienne des études classiques
President: Martin Cropp (University of Calgary) <>
Secretary/Secretaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) <>
  Contents of CCB/BCEA 11.7 (2005 03 16)                                           Return to CCB Archive   /   BCÉA Archives
        1. Positions Available
                     (University of Victoria)
        2. Calls for Papers
                     (Canadian Academic Institute in Athens), (CACW)
        3. Varia
                     (Online Courses: Robert Welch University), (Call for Singers for the 2006 APA)


Positions Available

From: Ingrid E. Holmberg
University of Victoria
Sessional Position

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies at the University of Victoria invites applications for a sessional position in 2005-2006. Teaching responsibilities will include Greek and Roman Civilization (full year), Greek history, Women in the Greek and Roman world, and first year Latin. The successful candidate must have a PhD or the equivalent in classical studies, in addition to substantial teaching experience. The candidate should be able to demonstrate both excellence in teaching and also scholarly engagement. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Please send an expression of interest and curriculum vitae to Dr. Ingrid E. Holmberg, Chair, Department of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 3P4 by April 15 , 2005. Applications may also be sent electronically to Please consult the University of Victoria website ( for information about Victoria and the University, and the Department's website ( for information about our Department in particular.

The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, aboriginal peoples, people of all sexual orientations and genders, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the University.

Recent Postings:

Université Laval

University of London

University of Nottingham

University of Sydney

Queen's University

Nipissing University

University of Winnipeg

Calls for Papers
From: Zografia Welch

Canadian Academic Institute in Athens
Third Biennial Student Conference
Concordia University

The Canadian Academic Institute in Athens, in conjunction with the Classics Section of Concordia University, is sponsoring the third biennial Student Conference. The meetings will be held at Concordia University in Montreal, on September 23 — 24, 2005. Senior undergraduate or graduate students are invited to submit research papers on any subject of Greek studies, ancient to modern, in any discipline.

Please submit your abstract electronically to by May 5, 2005, clearly stating your academic affiliation, the time required (15 - 30 minutes), and whether any audio-visual aides are required. Notification of acceptance of the paper will be sent by May 30, 2005.

From: John R. Porter
"Household and Society in the Ancient World"
Classical Association of the Canadian West

Classical Association of the Canadian West
Annual Meeting: February 10-11, 2006
Call For Papers

"Household and Society in the Ancient World"

The Classical Association of the Canadian West will be holding its annual meeting in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on Friday, February 10th and Saturday, February 11th, 2006. John Porter of the University of Saskatchewan is the conference organizer.

The theme of this year's conference is "Household and Society in the Ancient World." One of the most interesting trends in the study of Graeco-Roman antiquity over the past thirty years has been an increased interest in "household matters" — the physical, social, legal, and ideological structures that inform life in the oikos/domus. Scholarly exploration of such issues has been encouraged by — and, in turn, has helped to foster — an increased appreciation of the importance of both social history and the evidence of material culture for an understanding of the life and thought of the ancient Greeks and Romans. As a result, we now have a better understanding of the physical layout, decoration, and appointments of the ancient house, the roles of its various inhabitants, and the legal and ideological systems that define and reinforce those roles.

This year's conference will focus on the intersection of the oikos/domus with the external world (or vice versa). Papers in all fields are encouraged: history, literature, epigraphy, archaeology, art history, architecture, urban planning, philosophy, law, oratory, religion, and others. Topics might include: the role of the symposium in cementing social relations between families; intrusions of women into the public sphere; the association of house and city in literature and in philosophical thought; elements of public self-presentation in the aristocratic Roman house; violations of the integrity of the home; representations of the private sphere for "public consumption" (in vase painting, oratory, epitaphs, and elsewhere); the role of myth and of domestic religious rite in defining the household; a reexamination of the issue of "public" vs. "private" in the ancient as opposed to the modern context; or a paedagogical presentation on the influence of the Internet and other electronic media on the study of Graeco-Roman antiquity (particularly as regards material culture).

The keynote speaker will be Lisa Nevett of the University of Michigan.

Submissions are also invited, however, on other subjects of special interest to classicists. The organizer also encourages panel presentations. Submissions by graduate students are particularly welcome.

Abstracts of 100-150 words and a brief CV can be submitted to the conference organizer, John Porter, at

IMPORTANT: Each application must include the following —

• Family name, given name, initials
• Institutional affiliation (if any) and department
• Degrees received (beginning with the most recent: please specify the discipline)
• Recent positions held (beginning with the most recent)
• Title of the paper and 100-150 word abstract (Please do not exceed this word-limit.)
• Audio-visual or other requirements
• E-mail and postal address

The deadline for submission is APRIL 20, 2005. (This date will allow the organizer to submit a SSHRC grant proposal for the conference). Papers should not be more than 20 minutes in length.

Abstracts of papers and, where available, links to preliminary versions will be published on the conference website at: Detailed information regarding the conference schedule and accommodations will also be made available on the website in the Fall of 2005.

The organizer can be contacted at <>, or write to:

Professor John R. Porter, CACW Organizer
Department of History
University of Saskatchewan
9 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK

Phone: 306-966-4781
Fax: 306-966-5852

Conference WWW site [under construction]:

From: Jesse Frickenstein

Robert Welch University
Online Courses in Latin, Greek and Hebrew

Robert Welch University, a new online university headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin, offers a well developed classical offering developed by two Canadian professors. The offering consists of a series of three courses in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. The Canadian faculty include Dr. Lisa St. Louis (currently teaching at the Wilfrid Laurier University) and Dr. Martina Meyer (currently teaching at the University of Guelph). The classical language courses are only $375 USD and are the equivalent of 1-Canadian credit or 3-U.S. credits. Students can take individual courses or they can complete the series of three. For more information about the classical curriculum, students can visit:

Robert Welch University faculty members will be presenting papers at the upcoming "Classics: An Education for the New Millennium" conference, Nipissing University, June 2-4, 2005 and will be available to answer any questions regarding the associate degree program. The university is also proud to sponsor the attendance of a deserving student presenter.

From: John Given
Call for Singers for the 2006 APA in Montreal

A Call for Singers for the 2006 APA in Montreal
A Staged Performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's Thespis, or The Gods Grown Old, with music in Sullivan-style by Alan Riley Jones
Directed by John H. Starks, Jr., University of North Carolina Greensboro
Produced by John Given, East Carolina University

For several years now, the APA Committee for Ancient and Modern Performance has sponsored a dramatic reading of some work based on a classical theme. In 2006, we will showcase the singing talent within our profession by producing a staged reading and singing of Gilbert and Sullivan's first collaboration, Thespis, or The Gods Grown Old (1871). Gilbert's libretto and book are extant, but only two of Sullivan's songs. Alan Riley Jones, music director for the Durham Savoyards, Ltd. of Durham NC, has composed Sullivanesque music for Gilbert's libretto, and the result is a fine piece of comic operetta written for a semi-professional Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Mr. Jones has kindly allowed us to perform this operetta, which will be presented oratorio-style, with book in-hand and minimal blocking and costuming, Friday January 6, 2006. John Starks has directed and performed in several musicals and operettas, and John Given has significant choral and solo experience, so we plan to multi-task on this unprecedented fusion of our classical and musical talents. Now we need an equally eager and able cast that wants to share in this evening of fun entertainment.

The show and the necessary vocal parts:

Synopsis: The Olympians have aged and feel the need to examine their status among mortals. They trade places for a year with Thespis' company of comedians, who proceed to flub their roles as deities. The act one finale consummates the role exchange ("Here's a pretty tale for future Iliads and Odysseys: mortals are about to personate the gods and goddesses"), while the grand finale curses the failed comedians to lives as tragedians "whom no one ever goes to see."

Roles (Vocal parts were written moderately to be sung in the heart of the range for that voice):

Thespis : Strong singer-actor, baritone, one featured patter song and lots of ensemble singing. Blustery managerial type with little leadership ability after all.

Mercury: Lyric second tenor/baritone with two patter songs. Plenty of ensemble singing. Cynical observer.

Sparkeion: Lyric tenor, not high at all, could be carried by high baritone. Has a romantic duet, a "folksy" solo, and ensemble singing.

Nicemis: Ingenue soprano with romantic duet and prominent ensemble work.

Daphne: Mezzo-soprano, almost true soprano, but with some moderately low part-singing. Another ingenue-ish role, but the antagonist in the love triangle.

Jupiter: Bass. Older authority figure with booming bass notes. Prominent in ensembles, and center of attention when he is present.

Apollo: Dramatic tenor, with clarion high notes and "sunny" disposition. Plenty of dramatic ensemble singing.

Mars: Dramatic baritone, small but important role, only has ensemble singing. He should carry the dramatic aspect of the god of war, and match vocally with Apollo and Jupiter. This role can be doubled with Sillimon: Minor baritone role, very moderate in every respect. Features a nice solo during the Act II opening chorus.

Diana: Contralto, the goddess of the moon turned matronly. Sings some solo lines in Olympian ensembles.

Timidon: Tenor, not too high, comic role. Sings small solo lines, then takes on the Deputy Mars role.

Pretteia: Soprano ingenue, sings small solo lines. Otherwise has dialogue scene in Act II as Deputy Venus.

Solo Star: Alto, brief solo line in opening chorus for mature voice, then choral role.

Stupidas: mezzo or alto, several dialogue lines

Tipseion: Bass, sings in choral numbers, plays deputy Bacchus.

Preposteros: baritone, sings in choral numbers, several dialogue lines.

Choral numbers will require soloists to double. There are five numbers requiring chorus and several additional ensembles of various soloists. The opening number is a female chorus of stars which will almost certainly be double-cast:

Nicemis, Pretteia, Daphne, Stupidas, Solo Star, Sparkeion, Timidon, Preposteros, Sillimon, and Tipseion will form a Thespian chorus. If Sillimon doubles as Mars, we could work another voice in here.

It would be nice to have enough bodies to balance these out with a complete Olympian chorus: Calliope (soprano), Venus (soprano), Minerva (mezzo or alto), Diana (alto), Juno (alto), Apollo (tenor), Mercury (second tenor), Mars (baritone), Bacchus (baritone), Jupiter (bass). But, we can work with a minimum of 12 of the 15 solo voices listed above and some creative use of doubling.

The Requirements:

1) Please send an email briefly indicating your interest, vocal range, and experience, as soon as possible, to <> or you may call at 336-334-5727.

2) Send a short music c.v. indicating your vocal part, your solo and choral experience (especially in musicals, operettas, or other staged music), the role(s) you would like to be considered for, AND, MOST IMPORTANT, an audition tape of you singing anything you like in your range to: John Starks, UNC Greensboro, Department of Classical Studies, PO Box 26170, 233 McIver Building, Greensboro NC 27402-6170. This audition packet MUST BE RECEIVED in Greensboro by May 16, 2005, so John Starks and John Given can hear auditions and cast the show and notify cast members by the beginning of June. Please let us know what address you would like to use for email and for snail mail to receive your rehearsal tape with your part carefully delineated.

3) Your book and score will be posted on a secure website which will require a password to be distributed after casting for the protection of the composer's pending copyright registration. This will be in a PDF format, and MIDI files of the music will also be available. You can get a good idea of the show on the website If you wish to know more about a specific role as we will perform it, please contact John Starks, and he will try to get you whatever information you need so you can feel informed about the role you are seeking.

4) Commit to learning your vocal part with a rehearsal tape over the summer and fall. Practice crisp, clear diction (especially for ensemble or choral pieces) so your part can be understood well in a hotel ballroom environment. Read dialogue carefully, communicate about progress on music practice, and receive blocking notes via email through the fall. I will also distribute a copy of Offenbach's "Galop Infernal (the "Can-Can")" from Orphée aux Enfers as our encore piece and our tribute to our host city.

5) Commit to being at the APA for extensive rehearsal (especially to pull the ensemble and choral pieces together) anytime Wednesday, January 4, and Thursday January 5 (specific times to be announced when we know who's doing what and to make the most practical use of each person's time). We will do a dress rehearsal Thursday evening, and a brush up/warm up of musical numbers before the performance Friday evening January 6. Specific ensembles may be able to find time during the day Friday for additional brush-up work. (John Starks and John Given both live in North Carolina, and if we wind up having a cast with some geographic centers such as this, we may be able to schedule weekend ensemble work during the fall for those interested and available.)

6) Please consider this an opportunity to have fun, to exhibit the interdisciplinary interests of classicists, and to exercise your artistic talents among friends and colleagues. The music should be paramount, but it will be understood that we are not perfect, that we could not rehearse together over a long period of time, and that we are providing an evening of light entertainment.

7) Spread the word about this performance to any singing classicists you know. Faculty and students will all be welcome. This could be a great way to introduce a talented student to the APA. Please contact John Starks <> and/or John Given <> with any queries about this project.

Next regular issue 2005 04 15
Send submissions to <>