Editorial • Éditorial

Preparing Canadian surgeons to provide care in the 21st century
G.L. Warnock


Préparation des chirurgiens canadiens à la prestation des soins au XXIe siècle
G.L. Warnock


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Research • Recherche

Results of en bloc resection for hepatocellular carcinoma extending to adjacent organs
Y.-M. Zhou, C.-J. Sui, B. Li, F. Xu, T. Kan, J.-M. Yang
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]

Morbidity of hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy compared to conventional laparoscopic splenectomy: a 6-year review
A.M.S. Altaf, J. Ellsmere, H.J. Bonjer, T.H. El-Ghazaly, D.R. Klassen
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]

Surgical site infection prevention: a survey to identify the gap between evidence and practice in University of Toronto teaching hospitals
C. Eskicioglu, A.R. Gagliardi, D.S. Fenech, S.S. Forbes, M. McKenzie, R.S. McLeod, A.B. Nathens
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]

Predictors of attrition in a multidisciplinary adult weight management clinic
R.S. Gill, S. Karmali, G. Hadi, D.P. Al-Adra, X. Shi, D.W. Birch

[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]

Treatment of hepatic hydatid disease complications using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedures
M. Akaydin, F. Erozgen, Y.E. Ersoy, S. Birol, R. Kaplan

[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]

Retrospective review of all-terrain vehicle accidents in Alberta
J.-S. Pelletier, J. McKee, D. Ozegovic, S. Widder
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]

Late conversion of endovascular to open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms
T.L. Forbes, D.M. Harrington, J.R. Harris, G. DeRose

[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]

Patient compliance with a group model of care: the hernia clinic
B. van den Heuvel, B. Vair, G. Porter, D. Klassen, K. Inglis, H.J. Bonjer
[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]

Management of chest tubes after pulmonary resection: a systematic review and meta-analysis
S.M. Coughlin, H.M.A. Emmerton-Coughlin, R. Malthaner

[abstract / résumé in html / full text in PDF]


Review • Revue

1 Canadian Field Hospital in Haiti: surgical experience in earthquake relief
M. Talbot, B. Meunier, V. Trottier, M. Christian, T. Hillier, C. Berger, V. McAlister, S. Taylor
[full text in PDF]


Abstracts • Résumés

Bethune Round Table 2012 12th Annual Conference: Filling the Gap
[full text in PDF]




Canadian Surgery Forum abstracts
[full text in PDF]

Contemporary challenges and opportunities in the delivery of responsible surgical training
[Table of Contents in HTML]