
August 11, 1998 / le 11 août 1998
CMAJ 1998; 159(3)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce
Couverture :
Alors que certains organismes gouvernementaux envisagent de réglementer les substances chimiques dites endocrinotropes, le Fonds mondial pour la nature et d'autres intervenants affirment qu'il n'est pas trop tôt pour adopter de simples mesures de réduction du risque par exemple, inciter les enfants à ne pas mastiquer du plastique (page 261).

As government agencies consider regulating so-called endocrine-modulating chemicals, the World Wildlife Fund and others say it's not too soon to take simple steps to reduce the risk such as discouraging children from chewing plastic (page 261). |
Evidence ˇ Études |
221 |
The improving outcomes of coronary artery bypass graft surgery in Ontario, 1981 to 1995, J.V. Tu, K. Wu [abstract / résumé] |
229 |
Kidney graft loss in children: implications for program development, J.F.S. Crocker, A.W. Wade, A.T.J. McDonald, D.H. McLellan, J.G. Lawen, H. Bitter-Suermann, P.D. Acott [abstract / résumé] |
ˇ Éditoriaux |
237 |
Toward improved coronary artery revascularization: Is this as good as it gets?, P.W. Armstrong [full text] |
239 |
Suicide and language, D. Sommer-Rotenberg [full text] |
241 |
The one and only Mrs. Jones, J. Hoey [full text] |
243 |
The future of scientific medicine, F. Davidoff [full text] |
245 |
The grammar of interpretive medicine, R. Horton [full text] |
ˇ Éducation |
253 |
A light on medical practice in 19th-century Canada: the medical manuscripts of Dr. John Mackieson of Charlottetown, D.A.E. Shephard [abstract / résumé] |
ˇ Expérience |
258 |
I'm afraid it's bad news, R. Bayne [full text] |
health ˇ Santé publique |
259 |
Alcohol "on board," man overboard boating fatalities in Canada, A. Chochinov [full text] |
ˇ Chroniques |
261 |
US guidelines on way, but agreement on health impact of endocrine disrupters still lacking, B. Sibbald [full text / en bref] |
266 |
Emphasis on MDpatient communication to start in medical school, UBC decides, H. Kent [in brief / en bref] |
268 |
Disability management efforts can reduce number of injuries, improve bottom line, A. Silversides [full text / en bref] |
ISSN 0820-3946 159(3) 201-304 (1998)
